Taint Nuttin

Maybe you should extend that premise past people exercising their right to vote, all the way up to the people who made some obvious mistakes that contributed to losing a very winnable election.

There are still all types of memes going around blaming people who didn’t vote for Clinton for everything Trump does. It’s clear a lot of people are just never going to accept they backed a loser, and that “vote like I’m telling you to, guys!” was not an airtight strategy.

Nah, take it at face value. Same general group has come out in the East Bay in the Occupy and Mehserle protests.

This is not a progressive franchise in the least. Just because Seattle and Baltimore have joined them in embarrassing themselves over Kaep does not change the fact that all types of crap smearing him came out of that front office earlier in the process.

That sorry schtick is more painful than the bruise.

Cowards folded when they couldn’t bring their guns. They knew they had a major ass whooping coming.

I strongly suspect that guy is too young to remember the ‘72 Dolphins.

The album will be released on Nov. 10, which is (probably not) coincidentally 10 years after of the death of nemesis Kanye West’s mother Donda, to the exact day.

My understanding is it was moved to Friday because that’s street date internationally and they wanted to get everything aligned.

Linda Hamilton was a conventionally attractive female lead in a a Hollywood blockbuster. Her appearance and fitness was a huge thing back when Terminator 2 was out. Ignoring or downplaying all that is very weird to me... Cameron is basically insisting he deserves points because he thinks he could have casted somebody

Trust me when I tell you their WRs won’t be too broken up about it...

That’s the smart money, but I don’t think their record in close games has much to do with it. That stat about stacking 12 wins was more worrisome.

Not the most quantifiable argument, but it’s kinda strange to me that the Raiders are getting more blame than credit for winning a lot of close games. From my recollection they were more of a good o/bad d “whoever scores last wins” team who managed to consistently execute as opposed to lucky, so I’m not sure if their

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Couple years old but got this in the mail this week. Like DJ Premier fell face first into a vat of ketamine.

I sincerely believe that’s why Houston didn’t draft him, but I’m pretty sure even the morons who thought that are past it all now.

I’m still trying to figure out why they were both consistently above Derek Carr in all the young QB rankings I saw after last season.

There might not be another GM doing what Robinson does during practice.

I worked for a white conservative who was on that “I think Obama was bad because he didn’t do enough for black people” shit.

So what was the deal with him being perhaps the biggest on-field jerk in football during his Niners tenure? I never really saw or heard much along those lines before he got there, but the guy was a walking unsportsmanlike conduct flag for awhile there. I saw him get a 15 yarder while in street clothes on the sideline

How dare you impugn the completely fallible, overly aggressive idiots human element!