Taint My Fault

I’m pretty sure Tommy Callahan did the best explanation of cheap vs expensive brake pads ever

AI writes articles like Mitsubishi makes cars. All the parts are there, but the end result is WTF.

Ohm my god, what a joule of a pun!

The announcement was electrifying, but buyers appear to be insulated from interest.

Guilty as charged

You couldn’t resistor...

Shocking news!

Looks out in my driveway. Sees my new manual wagon.

I’m sure the people here will greet us with open arms! Sure, they all love their crossovers, but I can show them the error of their ways!”

Leave it to Jalopnik to cry out for buttons when their isnt any, and explode when theres too many... w/e

Good ole Harley, missing the mark by overpricing and under delivering.

All this means is that people with used cars and yellow guards will upgrade to the purple guards so they can make others think their car is new.

Dodge: Please take the shipping covers off

I, myself, tell people that the smart money is to buy a 2 year old Honda Civic.

Counterpoint: Maybe you’re a douchebag.

By what metric? Matt Farah is among very few youtube personalities from whom I’ve never gotten a “douchbag” vibe. At a time when “douchebag” seems a prerequisite to youtube success, Matt Farah is a counterpoint.