Taint My Fault

at some point maybe corporate America will realize selling $35-55k cars is difficult if there is no middle class

This is fucking hilarious and thanks for explaining it, because I was still at the figuring-out stage of saying her name out loud and trying to come up with anagrams.

This must be fake news. I mean, he’s Mexican, and according to our President, he must then be a rapist or a drug dealer or something, and everyone knows those guys don’t have time for physics equations.

Ivan “Ironman” Stewart’s Super Off Road Nintendo game

This exactly. Fleets and heavy operators are figuring out that diesels high initial costs, higher costs in maintenance and higher downtimes for maintenance aren’t worth the gains in economy.  A dead reliable, low maintenance and cheaper gasoline engine is the economic choice in the long run.  

I like how 430HP is considered “only” now. I still remember when any truck that had HP in the 300's was hot stuff.

Pffft, what do you want for your measly $4,500, to live forever?

Meanwhile, Honda haven’t had any PU related DNF this year (11 races!). Thanks to that, Red Bull keep getting closer to 2nd place in WCC despite only have 1 reliable driver.

Car pictured after 1000 hp

Yep, Hollywood needs to stop trying to make Olivia Munn happen.

Every clip with Olivia Munn in it just screams “Made for Syfy” to me.

As a Canadian, this makes me mad, eh. Sorry, got a little upset there.

Here you are, sliding away in your S15 Nissan Silvia, probably to escape the feds out to seize it.

The weekend’s coming up and you and I both know that means only one thing: it’s Paseo time, baby.