
Third season? Did the second season get skipped? Double check that title

Visual aid

It’s hard to say. My roommate saw me play it and YouTubers, and had no interest. But a friend gifted it to him anyway, so he tried it to be polite, now he’s 30 hours in and addicted.

“All episodes hit September 4th”

Just started it last week, runs perfectly maxed out. Glad it went out for free

Most if the annual pass content is free. The activities are free. If you want slightly more, it's $25 and that's for everything from a full year. That's reasonable

Click on the date above the post

Not to defend CoD, because.. no.
But it could be a tally, instead of roman numerals? So 5 would add a horizontal cross?
Eh, who cares

The Return to Arkham Bundle is only two games. Collection is all three.

It is in the Arkham Collection.

He was in the new Infinity War TV spot

Breaking Bad Season 6? Only for the astronauts I guess.

Has anyone played Halo 3 SWAT and not got a double kill like that? I remember it being quite common..

I really like the second one. I mean it's not a horror movie, it's more of a thriller, but it doesn't pretend to be a horror movie anyway so it works. Weaves into the first movie's story well.

6? Looked like 8 to me. Some of those corner ones are floor then wall, 8 total

You are aware that Tell Tale has been doing episodic gaming since 2006 right?The majority of their titles are in this format.

Very true, the price is a bit worrisome. With the controllers and full room tracking, it'll probably be expensive, but.. Definitely going to be an interesting year for VR

Hopefully they are able to make it compatible with the Rift content already available.

I preordered for $36.. no regrets