20,000 miles over 50 weeks is 400 miles a week. Five workdays averages 80 miles a day. Double that for a big day. A 250 mile range would get it done.
20,000 miles over 50 weeks is 400 miles a week. Five workdays averages 80 miles a day. Double that for a big day. A 250 mile range would get it done.
If you do the math, 20k miles over a year is still only 77 miles per day if the vehicle is driven 5 days a week.
Overnight trains can save you by moving while you sleep.
I recently took Amtrak for the first time returning home from central IL to east TX. It’s an 11-12 hour drive, a 4-6 hour flight with a connection (or a considerably larger ask for a friend on the other end to come pick me up in DFW), and a ~17-hour train ride. The train actually takes me right to the small town I…
I’ve seen something similar in the US—a fold-down toddler seat with seatbelt in the stall in the men’s room at a Sheetz in southern PA (one large stall, which also contains the changing table, and three urinals—seems to work).
I realize its supposed to be joke, but the whole “Never Tweet” thing glosses over a more important point: Don’t be a moron. The problem is not that Elon tweets, the problem is he tweets stupid shit that he shouldn’t tweet.
There’s always the possibility the videos were staged.
Are the credits needed to help the EV market or has it matured?
Holy crap, Tesla is just running a 19th century plutocratic industrialist’s dream wrapped up inside a 21st-century facade. It’s all very clear to me now.
Close, F=ma shows that force is directly proportional to both mass and acceleration and that’d tell you the force required to accelerate the asteroid, you’re more interested in its energy which is K=1/2mv^2 (which more directly proves the point I think you were trying to make). Also, near the speed of light you need…
Do you think that asteroids typically travel at near-relativistic speeds?
Why? Often times, when caps enter a recycling facility’s sorting process, they get sorted out because of their small size, and are then sent to landfills. As such, caps are now among the most common trash items found in our oceans (which also end up in the food chain when ingested by sea life).
It used to be 1.
I call BS on the operating costs of the Alfa. There is no way that thing isn’t spending half the year in the shop. It’s fuel costs are likely half of whats being used.
Your landlord sounds like a nice person to have a beer with.
There is a good chance the dusting happened after the car left but the latent heat from either warming the car up or simply by the car being an insulating blanket of sorts caused no snow to accumulate in its shadow.
You sad fool. So you drove one poorly calibrated, small engine volvo diesel and want to cast aspersions on all of them?
They may also be cooking the chicken sous vide prior to frying. I’ve worked a couple places that did that, and when I fry chicken at home I do it. It means you have juicy, fully cooked chicken without having to fry it for a long time. You can also use more delicate breadings (pretzels, cheeses, graham crackers, etc) be…
Yeah, but the implication there is they must be willing to make a Colin Chapman style trade-off for performance improvements. It’s not really an American trait though when it comes to car selection.