
Ban stretch limos? Why, because some guy ran a stop sign? The length of the vehicle apparently had nothing to do with the cause of the crash.

This is what's known as "a scam".

“You can send out one beer for $7.50, two for $15, or a six-pack for $45.”

Don’t be obtuse. That is a poor metaphor and you know it. The dB scale is logarithmic. It is also subject to highly variable environmental conditions, hence using a SAE standard for testing sound. The police are completely ignoring the standard, skipping equipping officers with the tools to actually measure sound and

He lives in Phoenix (a major manufacturing center for foam mattresses) and is delivering innerspring mattress. 3/10 ironies = “somewhat”.

Eh, I was doing 95mph on my way into work today just keeping up with traffic. *shrug*

Have you tried not being poor? It’s easy. Just stop being poor.

Celiac disease isn’t an allergy. It also isn’t an “intolerance” whatever that may mean medically but which I’m not familiar with. It is an autoimmune disease that can cause a constellation of symptoms, not all of them related to gastrointestinal discomfort, and some of which only present later in life, i.e. why I was

There is literally no such thing as being ‘allergic’ to gluten and there is certainly no test for a gluten allergy (because such an allergy doesn’t exist), so either she’s lying to us or her doctor lied to her.

Hang on. Did she just say she was a vegetarian who couldn’t eat most bread or pasta while all but eliminating salads as viable option?

To me its more of a fun reminder of how dumb investors can be that the company’s stock was still worth so much despite the company being so close to the edge.

Promising concept!

I have the same question for people who have tiny dogs.  Aren’t rats already a thing?  

Fake outrage about a Tesla, played up by fanboys and spread across multiple auto sites? I’m shocked.

These people triage. They wouldn’t be pushing a car out of a garage if they could be saving someone’s life instead.

I have to disagree in this scenario. The Mustang is a piece of American history. If that was a photo of a brand new Lamborghini being saved most of us would say “why?". They burn themselves to the ground all the time anyway.

Going a little fast there, buddy. Where’s the fire? *Points back at police officer’s car.