Most car’s I’ve put an aftermarket shift one the feel was improved because the soft rubbery bushing replaced with silicon or steel. It’s mostly for improved feel in my mind. That said if you like the way your shift feels don’t change it.
Most car’s I’ve put an aftermarket shift one the feel was improved because the soft rubbery bushing replaced with silicon or steel. It’s mostly for improved feel in my mind. That said if you like the way your shift feels don’t change it.
They should do this again with STi’s with DCCDs, test it first in Open then in lock see if the results are the same.
I said 40KW which is only 30-40 miles when you are going from 6000ft - 9000ft - 5000ft - 9000ft 6000ft every day. heavy EVs don’t do well in the mountains. Even my TDI which gets 45-50mpgs on the highway is down to 25-28mpgs up here with hill climbing.
And the steel to make windmills just comes out of thin air while removing carbon. Also, cars use 2x-6x the energy homes use. So expect many many more windmills. And you still have to do something in case the wind isn’t blowing. Windmills can be part of a solution but they aren’t the solution. Especial when there are 2…
Get an espresso machine and Steam your’s way better.
Cars use significantly more energy than your home. If everyone in your area had an EV you’d run out. And there are still environmental impacts from windmills. The environment is more than just air quality.
I think you are forgetting the fuel the power plants use comes from somewhere. And the transmission line loss. EV’s aren’t the answer.
This is FAKE NEWS there are no speed Cameras in California the state currently prohibits them. There are Red light cameras.
The teslas do nothing for me. Maybe when the go out of business and become a collectors car they’ll be cool.
That’s like just you opinion man....
It’s not a reach at all, this leaf looks good, they look blah.
This new leaf looks way better than anything Tesla has put out.....except maybe the original roadster.
Looks like they need Auto Chains on those busses like we have here.
You should run a data log on that if it’s really that bad.
The original post I was replying to did say that.
So marijuana is definitely the problem? Correlation = causation is what you’re saying.
So you see a lot of rental cars out there?
Vacationers aren’t renting 4x4's that are capable of going out to these trails.
So you just like to blame Marijuana? It’s legal in many states at this point I don’t think it’s the main reason people move to CO. And most Pot smokers aren’t big 4x4ers. I mean if there was a music festival out there then you might be right.
I want to put a BNR 20g in the outback soo bad....maybe this summer after it’s done with winter duty.