That doesn’t look like it added any liteness to the car.....but it did lightin it up a bit.
That doesn’t look like it added any liteness to the car.....but it did lightin it up a bit.
The system isn’t failing 95%, we have schools, roads, hospitals, clean water, parks, sewer systems, Power, Phones, Cars. Where is the failure? Do you think everyone should have private jets? I think most people with your argument don’t appreciate how much everyone in the USA starts with. I’m sorry you envy other…
I have 3 cars with almost 400 lb/ft of tq, one RWD (Mustang 5.0) on AWD (STi) one 2wd (Stage 3 TDI Jetta) All have stick shifts. FWD has its limitations and they become apparent everywhere with enough power. They all have their quarks.....FWD just doesn’t put the power down as well in the lower gears, and it doesn’t…
Unless it’s fwd, and only rear steer your still asking the front wheels todo all the work....even in the best setup the it will be to much work for the front tires lap after lap.
BMW invented the FWD car then realized how bad it was and went back almost to RWD. FWD is a compromise.
This seems a bit early for April Fools.
I like to stick to 10lbs:1’s not about how much HP you add but how much lightness you can add.
The other side of the equation is the person in front who could have stopped it all by getting out of the way. Both were wrong, but break checking is an act of aggression, done with the intent to scare the other person and maybe make them wreak. Our laws are based on intent the break checker was the only person with…
Yes, Benefit it still powers the correct wheels.
Becuase the article about adjusting your temperature control was too short so he rewrote this instead.
The flames are burning the unburnt Hydrocarbons, so the exhaust is cleaner after the flames. Instead of using platinum to convert it’s using fire.....I’m sure it’s not good for gas mileage but there are clearly fewer HCs after the flame.
I’m pretty sure the US flag code doesn’t allow any flag decal....if you want to get technical about it.
He clearly needs an STi.
Easy fix, don’t let the cops chase people, Reduce traffic enforcement and end the drug war. We are at a point with tech that there are better ways to track people once they speed off. The adrenalin of the chase is equal on both sides.
Becuase he should be in Jail for the solar city merger that saved his financial ass. And because he can’t deliver on any of his promises. Tesla is basically starting to look like a Ponzi scheme he needs more deposits so he can build the cars he’s promised to people who have already put down deposits.
Do you smell that? It’s the smell of Elons pants buring........Why does anyone believe this guy anymore?
I think my spelling of it may be your issue with Google: Cannstatter Volksfest is Stuttgart’s Octoberfest, we were there for the first Saturday night this year, then went to the museums.
Did you also go to canastervolk fest?
The STI really shines in the snow, that’s where the DCCD settings get fun to play with.