
All those poor souls.

I think it’s the real reason, any other reason is just to hide the fact that they all look to short in modern cars, look how big seats are now, and if your not at least 6' you can’t even hang your arm out when the windows down.

Because all the actors/actresses are so short they would look ridiculous in the car. Look at how tiny people look in modern cars its crazy...now image the people of Hollywood which are like 2-4in shorter (see Tom Cruz) then normal people. They would look like middle schools in the front seat. Removing the head rest

The doors don’t operate on the high voltage system.

It’s a G force switch not automation, Many cars have it for fuel cut off.

Still seems better then having to cut away part of the car to turn it off. Honestly who though batteries were better than hydrogen?

They had to cut the car to turn off the high voltage.....This is a bad system. Hydrogen is way safer than this.

Shouldn’t it just disconnect on impact? I mean with all the useless tech in the car why not?

So this is how cars become appliances.

Thanks for making us all a little dumber.

Is that true? If so that might be the most important part.

So they’re even slower than advertised.


Why couldn’t José apply to be a citizen in his 24 years here? His parents could have too...They knew when their Visa expired and didn’t do anything.

A not so great tire company.

Nevada also made it illegal to go below the speed limit in the fast lane. NV maybe one of the last great states.

NRS 484B.627 Duties of driver driving motor vehicle at speed so slow as to impede forward movement of traffic; prohibition against stopping vehicle on roadway so as to impede or block normal and reasonable movement of traffic; exception.

How do I get to Tour this place? Alternatively where is it located and when do they go to lunch?

Some dealer ship needs to have a Fire hurricane sale!