Looks well done to me.
Looks well done to me.
VW why not some porsche seats? Boxster Seats tilt forward and they even recline. They are light, and i think meet all your other requirements.
I thought Tesla Stores didn’t Sell Cars???? Elon might want to get his story straight.
Then Kill it With Fire!
WOW how things have changed, the first years of the STi came with a SCCA membership, they wanted people to take them to club events and win.....now we get this crap....Looks like Subaru Love doesn’t extend to those who love driving.
If it’s worth it I guess.
At this point it seems like you Shouldn’t board a Train in a Tunnel Unless you have a Damn good reason.
Did they give you an automatic because you’re an American? What’s the point of a GT car with an Auto.
are there emergency fire exits on a subway train?
Stop the Man Bun, it might be worst than this commercials.....and now they feature a Man Bun.
Don’t move to places with HOAs.
You might have just failed the reading test.
Damn you, you tease...................................and thanks for the update!
Thank you, mam, may I have another.
Did they even have an automatic car in any movie? Why would there be P at all?
That would be the first time a politician did anything to fix something because of reality......so 0 chance it happens.
It’s not a theory, speed limits are to low on may Highways and streets, The 85th percentile rule is supposed to guide the speed limit but it’s often ignored, or speed tests are never done. When raising the limit is recommended it’s not the police who stand it the way in it’s the idiots in our communities that think…
No, I mean I was going 85-90mph with traffic(other cars on the road) passed a cop with a radar gun pointed at us and he waited for someone going faster.....and that’s when it was 75mph on this stretch. And that’s the time I saw a cop(NHP).
It doesn’t really work like that in reality. There have been numbers compiled on this and raising the speed limit doesn’t increase the speed of the drivers.....in fact the reason you are used to people driving 10 over is because most speed limits are set too low....accoriding to the 85% rule.