
It's a video game (re: entertainment) not a history simulator.

I agree. I tried SO hard to get through AC1. It was too damn frustrating, game mechanics wise. It's soured me so much I hesitate to play AC2 & AC3.

Compared to the Giants, the Tigers looked anemic for most of the series.

It looks like she standing next to a Dalek!

I'm sure it was a type-o...

Same thing happened to the X-Files...

I'm a Giants fan & the fact is Sandoval is a free swinger. He swats at anything. I'm not going to say he got lucky 'cause he hit off Verlander in the All-Star game, too. I think he just has Verlander's number. Maybe a bit fluke-y though. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he didn't hit another homer this series.

So... Angry Birds is about Avian (bird) Flu vs. Swine Flu?

I've been cheating (no pun intended, I swear) on G4 with IGN, Kotaku, Revision 3, The Verge (& now Polygon) , Game Informer, Destructoid etc.

I've heard there were some issues with some video game developers & Windows 8. Any resolutions?

Me too!

Relax, it's an observation, not a personal attack.

If you have that attitude, no wonder they were dicks to you. Just saying. (Or is that too smug for you?)

If you've ever been to AT&T Park, esp. during the playoffs, you'll know that San Francisco fans have eclipsed the St. Louis fans. Even Buck & McCarver finally had to give the Giants fans some props.

Black humor/Sarcasm accepted...

But, if the bat breaks that rule is out the window.


I think the San Francisco story is specifically linked to the theory about homelessness in SF. I've some of the other stories before 91, too.

Spoiler alert..!

Good point.