
I … I don’t understand...
- dude makes anti-Semitic jokes
- dude gets shit for it, rightfully
- dude says he’s going to donate to ADL as a way to take responsibility
- some idiots on the internet don’t like this
- he decides not to donate to them, as a way to... take responsibility??

I feel like I’m missing a piece of logic

You can tell she’s a Communist because she publicly owned that show.

Of course I’m biased; I’m a Giants fan. But both Strickland and Harper are assholes, and they both acted like assholes. It’s worth noting that while this was Strickland’s first time getting thrown out of a game, Harper has gotten thrown out NINE times. Ouch.

I think Joel in the trailer was a figment of her imagination and this whole scene was her going to avenge his death, the game being just Ellie with some flashbacks of their relationship between the games.

I really hope it ends up sucking you in like it has me. I can completely understand why a lot of people wouldn’t like it (I even talked some friends out of buying it, because I knew they were expecting something else and wouldn’t enjoy it for what it really is), but for a certain type of person/mindset, it’s

The game shines when you completely dismiss the thought of goals and objectives, and truly embrace the idea of being an explorer. I left my first planet quickly, because I wanted to see at least two of them before my Steam refund window ran out. And I haven’t left that second planet since then. I’ve even exploring

As a Giants fan, I loved have Pablo Sandoval on our team.

The American political system, simplified.

Applicable to the views discussed in the article and the views probably coming in the comments.

I think you might be reading a little too much into a cutesy lede.

I’m not sure where in this post you’re seeing pot-stirring. I’ve never been anti-video-game-delays and in fact just a few days ago I was arguing in the comments that Persona 5’s delay shouldn’t be considered one of 2015’s biggest disappointments because it will ultimately result in a better game.

I say this is a good thing, as I’m sure many others will echo. Far too many high profile games are released nowadays that suffer because of trying to meet publisher enforced deadlines.

This is actually different from the DOAX3 thing in a key way. In this case, a creator confidently and thoughtfully explained what they were doing in a way that at the very least was persuasive to the audience in front of him. I’ve long maintained that many of these controversies and debates are not helped when

The coffee place is still there, and it’s not snowing, so hey, the 360 version’s got that goin for it

The problem is guns. Not mental illness, not misogyny, not male entitlement. Those are other problems, with other solutions. The problem causing mass shootings is guns.

Oh yes, that is definitely the face of someone who should carry weapons and enforce the peace.

“Hey ladies, [Fuck off]
You are not getting any dates? [Getting plenty, thanks weirdly formally worded poster.] Can’t afford the high condo fees on your own? [I’ve been paying my own bills for over a decade, actually.] You are 30 and still not married? [Why yes, I’m OVER 30 and still not married, and happy as a fucking

I really wish that MRAs were actually about dealing issues that men face instead of just being anti-feminist...

Um.... don't deny the power of the Watchtower.... I need to proofread my posts a bit better...