I'm just gonna copy & paste this from now on when commenting on Gizmodo...
You're both wrong! Aragorn was Jesus. He descended from a long lost lineage of the true Kings (Jesus was supposedly descended from King David). Aragorn & Jesus could heal the sick. Both died for three days, Jesus literally (supposedly), Aragorn metaphorically. Aragorn led an army of the dead in the "Final Battle"…
Jesus loves the 49ers!
I thought women could "Shut that down" if the pregnancy was unwanted... Or can the vagina differentiate between consensual sex & rape?
I'm a Sony/PlayStation fanboy, but Sony's been making it very hard these past few years.
Ladies & gentlemen, Skyrim:
OK. But does in need to be carbon fiber?
I know plenty of straight women & gay men who are also obsessed with breasts. It's not a gender or sexual orientation thing. It's just more socially appropriate for straight men to be obsessed with breasts. Especially in Western society.
Science Fiction authors make better & more accurate "psychic predictions" than this guy!
Must be hard for him to walk around with such huge balls!
I read the Snacktaku review of the "McClusterfuck" (McChicken & McDouble smooshed together) a few months back. It was better on paper (screen) than in reality. Totino's Pizza Rolls are awesome in their terribleness, though.
Turn based RPG?! I've been playing it wrong, then... :-(
It's also not like he's saying anything in his rant that isn't already known (or at least suspected) within the industry/ community.
Jesus was, if I remember correctly often referred to as "rabbi". In Jewish tradition (let's not just play lip service to Jesus being Jewish, but actually understand what that means) to be a Rabbi, you have to be married. End of discussion.
LDS? They were given Mormons?
To be fair, most of last season was probably already in the bag when the "arrow to the knee" meme became ubiquitous. So, they trot it out this season... Probably also why The Big Bang Theory hasn't gone there yet.
I've got a 320 GB slim model. With a PS4 coming out in a year, or so I see no reason to get a new one. This isn't for me, or most of you out there in internet-land reading this. Look, if you don't already have a PS3, now's your chance.
I recently bought a gaming laptop, too. Now for some games!
There were SO many people on the field after that game because of last years "Hand Shake-gate", I don't think anybody noticed... Until now.