
If it were ANY OTHER company besides Apple, we would call it Quality Control standards. But since it's Apple it's called a "closed ecosystem" & "inflexible". Before anybody accuses me of being a "fanboy" I have an Asus laptop & a Windows Phone.

I had a cheap ass free phone & after two years, I finally threw it on the ground & it broke. But, I got a new smart phone out of it! When the woman at the store asked, I just said I dropped, even though it was obvious I hadn't...

If you have access to a computer, don't you have access to Netflix streaming?

Agreed. Like you, I have a PS3, Xbox 360 & a gaming PC. Like many gamers I have a "wait & see" attitude towards the WiiU. I still think that Nintendo's "core" market is going to be the casual gamer. Honestly, I think history is going to repeat its self. WiiU will be immensely popular for a year or two, then when Sony

Deadpool rockin' Gagnam Style? Makes sense...

I want that one minute, fifty-one seconds of my life back...

We may be looking at this generation's Dreamcast...

As Louis C.K. puts it, "Everything is amazing & nobody is happy."

Kotaku, Jezebel, i09, Lifehacker etc. are all owned by Gawker media. So, it kinda makes sense that they'd do a little cross-promotion. Wouldn't you think?

I've been reading about a lot of harassment lately. Even a story about a male writer at a gaming convention who was groped BY ANOTHER GUY! Maybe it's the flaw in the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." I honestly think most of us men wouldn't even consider it harassment if the tables were

You should listen to "Sex Farm" while playing Farmville... "Takin' out my pitchfork, pokin' your hay!"

Don't we already have Spike TV for that demographic? Lame. I honestly can't say I'm too surprised, though. I could see NBCU running G4 into the ground months ago. When Sessler left, I saw that process accelerate.

I think both Glenn Beck & Warren Spector were big FAIL's in this.

Looks like the Bat-plane!

I just really hope these photo's aren't a precursor to a Blade Runner reboot

She choked Jabba to death with her slave chains. I could be wrong, but how's that for an empowering image?

Lame. Dodgers are obviously trying to buy a World Series title this year, now that they're flush with cash.

The world was dying. Like a cell, dividing, replicating. Surviving. Faced with extinction, there was no other choice. Giving of herself to ensure the survival of her Children. In her death throes she mused, would they know of the sacrifice? Would her Children remember?

Yeah, for that very reason, I've become a follower of Wheaton's Law aka "Don't Be A Dick".

So, basically Anonymous are a bunch of Xbox fanboys?