GMT800 Tahoe Guy

Not only did ford make the Focus EV, they also made their own charger for it!

I have a worrying feeling that this won’t be a top priority for manufacturers. What do they care if a 2nd - 4th owner loses capacity. In fact they might like it because it could help sell more cars. With the priority being faster charge times/capacity we might run into more issues on newer cars. 

to be fair, many of those were California ‘compliance cars’. Honda had their lease-only Fit EV, too.

Fifty years from now China is going to go broke trying to maintain all this incredibly impressive infrastructure they’ve built in the past two decades. It’s amazing for sure, but maybe bring it online as needed rather than this frenzy to keep up the growth and employment numbers? Like their most impressively tall

I think people who haven’t been to a large Chinese city don’t realize the extent of the problem. I remember walking around downtown Beijing a few years ago: 10-lane-wide roads absolutely everywhere, having to walk long distances to cross them, massive interchanges and overpasses right in the middle of the city.

Yeah I don’t think they realize long term maintenance will cost way more than the initial build.

Saw someone on twitter say this on twitter

You can get plaid cloth in the V60 CC. Not for $33k, but you can.

The XC40 is $33k, but the point holds. 

They’re not shuffling jobs across the border. This is a factory that is already up and running being re-tooled to support GM’s transition to EV’s just like they’re doing here in the US. The UAW isn’t being fully honest here. They’re trying to shame GM into shutting down plants and shuffling those jobs across the

When was the last time the UAW made an argument in good faith?

GM is spending $9B on US battery manufacturing facilities and are spending $1B to update their existing Ramos plant for electric vehicles. The UAW is just playing political games, they won’t be happy unless GM builds everything exclusively in the US which will never happen again.

That was 13 years ago. The loans were paid back early and in full. Get over it.

It’s not a bad idea. The last thing a dying person needs is a used German car with a costly repair—as long as you find a lease deal that’s not out to screw you, that is.

This would be the one time to click the life insurance box while sitting in the business office of the dealership. 

A 2005 C6 corvette is nearing the bottom of its depreciation curve. It won’t depreciate more than any other suggestion above

Fuck it.

Source: I used to sell Buicks.

That’s a shitty situation, but it’s cool that you can do something enjoyable for her in the time she has left. There will probably be a lot of sensible suggestions, but how about this:

The estate will have to pay.