GMT800 Tahoe Guy

Bingo, $1,000 is about what it’s worth in pieces, so this is a wash at worst.

Hell yes, I frequently listen to Well There’s Your Problem, that guy’s (Justin Roczniak) podcast about engineering gone wrong. It’s excellent, but you have to have an acquired taste of irreverence when speaking about horrible shit.

Now playing

someone already said it but posting it again because it’s the only answer

literally the second person here and i was gonna say the same thing. i’ve been meaning to clean the laser on my ps2 just to play it.

I even feel bad for this Brandon in particular. Dude has seemed genuinely uncomfortable with his name becoming a meme. If anyone should literally profit off it, it should be the guy who was unwillingly ground-zero for this whole dipshit movement.

There was a really good meme I saw recently that doesn’t really transfer to print well, but the basic premise is that most liberals are more willing to say “fuck Joe Biden” at this point than anyone saying “let’s go Brandon”

Agreed, while they could probably get away with a big redesign of the Charger (they’ve actually been pretty liberal with it’s facelifts imo), the Challenger is best at being unmistakably itself. Makes more sense if you just acknowledge it’s more of a “retro” car than a modern muscle car.

If I lived in a place where I didn’t need it, then NP I guess? But even then, looking down at the shifter in a Jeep and not seeing a 4WD would always be disappointing.

However, they were perfectly adequate people movers and much cheaper than competition.”

The whole hipster loft setup is actually probably one of the most practical solutions because once you gut it of all the non-load-bearing stuff, you can build units around whatever structural oddities are still there, and most people would get a kick out of it. 

Wholeheartedly agree on the CVT thing. If I’m not going to drive stick then I really don’t care if it’s a standard slushbox or CVT. If anything a CVT is a novelty.

Not really related to anything but TMS always seems like the best place for discussion, so whatever:

I can verify as someone who works in construction and does a lot of commercial-level remodeling: When a big company gets replaced by some random tenant in a building that was made just for them, the second tenant almost always bastardizes the shit out of the building to the point that you would pretty much need to

After the rough start (the transition from Alonso/Massa to Vettel/LeClerc wasn’t smooth) Ferrari was the undisputed bridesmaid 5 out of the 6 years leading up to 2020. Up until that point Red Bull had only shown brief flashes with Ricciardo and Verstappen. Maybe Ferrari was “basically flat” because they were always

Maybe I’m just being a pessimist, but I think the complete opposite is just as likely. Regardless of all the aero improvements that should make the cars pass better, there’s always a good chance that one team has some random thing figured out on the new package that nobody else does, and it gives them a huge edge.

It depends a lot on the market and trade, particularly the state. Being a union *anything* is a lot better in NY, CA, and the Midwestern blue states like IL, MI, and WI, than it is in AL, MS, FL, etc.

Yeah, you can chalk that up to the “vested interest” as well. 

“Nobody wants to do it” was a bit extreme, and it is an excellent compensating job with a lot of benefits. This is really a whole separate discussion about whether high school graduates realize they can have a great-paying job as a stevedore (or insert any other skilled trade) instead of going college. It still begs

Fair enough, pick whatever link in the supply chain where the labor bottleneck is.

Exactly. There’s always going to be some shithole country willing to produce America’s goods and treat it’s workers like shit. It’s been eastern countries for the last 30ish years. Unless environmentalism manages to handcuff international shipping, it will probably be Africa next.