GMT800 Tahoe Guy

Other weird C2 tidbit: There was actually a Transmission/Final Drive combination that produced a theoretical top speed around 165, which would have put this in the argument for the world’s fastest production car. You would have had to order it because typically the sportier engine and transmission options came with a

This is my feeling as well. Furthermore, given that the precedent that has been set this year with off-the-wall officiating, Toto Wolf *had* to know race control was going to do anything to get that 1v1 deathmatch for at least 1 lap. He probably should have just brought him in for softs anyway.

Rather, they actually wanted to sell it, and politicians have echoed that sentiment even fairly recently. Which is dumb because why would anyone want to buy something that has never been remotely close to making money, and to your point, it’s a public service, it shouldn’t have to be profitable. But unfortunately this

What’s you’re use case? 18k Lumens is some industrial-level stuff (I work for a commercial electrician and 18 is typically the minimum that I get)

Pretty much no one thinks both drivers will finish out of the top ten but if they do then Verstappen wins, unless of course that happens and Hamilton also gets a point for fastest lap, in which case Hamilton would win.

Perez can accomplish the same thing with Hamilton.

1st Gear: Mixed feelings on this.

I can just picture the conversation someone is having with shipping companies:

What I read in a different article is they are just shipping to different ports and trucking the rest of the way. Something you can afford to do when you are the means of transport after it gets off the ship.

I could only imagine how boned he would have been had the driver been uninsured which unfortunately was really common around where we lived. 

I have been praying for months that someone doesn’t rear-end me and total my car or some such and force me into the used market, which seems like hell. Just gotta get through winter, it sounds like.

Thank you, it’s been awhile since that project, so I kept the details vague in hopes of not borking it (looks like I did anyway). The fundamental point was that artificial light is of hardly any use to a PV array, even with something like 18k Lumen LED fixtures (what I use with for work) that you find in most new

Not Much at all. One of my first engineering projects involved wiring up a small solar panel to the motor for a little homemade car (we are talking like pinewood derby size). In order to get it to run indoors, it took a bunch of incandescent shop lights being held like 9" away from the panel to make it move. But if

Seriously, I’ve had the hardest time figuring out why so many outlets are championing this like it’s some sort of revelation. This is just going to be another set of online missions plus a cutscene where Franklin talks a bit. Nevermind that they basically did the same thing with Trevor with the online heists back in

Reference the note about having the expendable money. But I’m sure somebody does.

Fair enough, I’m now realizing it’s been almost a decade since I read freakonomics.

At some point we are all going to have to recalibrate our nice price/crack pipe brains because like or not, someone is absolutely paying for that shit. As the freakonomics say: something is worth however much someone is willing to pay for it.

And Fridge/Freezer.

If I’m not mistaken, this was the original plan for GT Sport, but they caved and added more offline content when it became apparent it had hurt sales. I was one of many who didn’t buy it until they updated it with more robust offline play.

Hell yes, that was GT5! I remember doing the exact same thing but with a ‘71 Hemi ‘Cuda! Waiting around for something usable to come to the used car lot was absolutely hopeless so just putting a giant turbo on a random old car was the best bet. Still remember using other cars to help me turn and then doing a burnout