GMT800 Tahoe Guy

I’ve experienced more or less the same thing. Chicago area was pretty import-heavy, then I went to college at Michigan State and couldn’t believe how different it was. It had been 5 years since Pontiac was defunct and there were still tons of them everywhere.

That’s because the Tesla CEO sold almost another million of his Tesla shares this week, worth about $1.01 billon.”

As of when? I think Nissan built up a lot of brand loyalty in the 90's and 00's with good cheap reliable cars, but even then, most of them my friends drove growing up were more or less worthless by the 130k mile mark. Most Toyotas and Hondas still change hands for good money at that point.

Yeah, I’d say it’s old enough to be filed under “outlandish”. Also I imagine our differences have something to with your experience being in Beverly Hills, and mine being in neighborhoods consisting of first-generation-removed southside Chicagoans whose grandparents came to the city on a boat in the 20's.

The 4Runner story is awesome, even if I don’t relate to it at all. I don’t think I’ve ever known someone to get so vehemently judged for the car they drive, either in a positive or negative way. I said this in the request for comment blog, but I find that cars are just cars to most millennials unless there is

The part about Honda’s and Toyota’s is a million bucks here. I spend so much time explaining to my non-car friends that Nissan’s are the cheapest of the Japanese for a goddam reason. 

Seconding this, as there is so much more to it. Maybe it’s different for older generations, but as one of the last millennials, it sure seems there’s very little judgement placed on you based on what you drive. With the exception of stuff that REALLY stands out (lifted truck, sports car with custom exhaust) most don’t

Indeed. Michigan is worse than the other rust belt states not just because it’s surrounded by water, but they have absolutely zero inspection standards. No emissions, no road worthiness. Nothing. The state just hands you the title, no questions asked.

Sergio Marchionne in 2016, standing outside the UN during the Paris Accords:

It’s especially dumb because there’s been plenty of ink spilled on this site about the nonsensical stock price and the $35k Model 3 basically being vaporware to justify that the shit is still really expensive.

Anyone selling to you private. My brother-in-law freaking SCORED a low-mile mid-trim 2013 Silverado for on 25 grand that he saw parked on a front lawn while driving through rural IL. Owner had died and son was selling. A comparable truck at home in Chicago would have been at least another few thousand bucks, or double

And then of course there’s the fact they never touched the Escalade. It never donned on anyone that they were doing something to the rest of their lineup that was the exact opposite of a hallmark to their most successful product.

Agreed, I didn’t mind the STS and DTS, maybe just because those were tied to Seville and Deville. But the XT and CT phase sucked, and De Nyschen was an absolute moron and the epitome of why you can’t assume a person of high status actually knows what they are doing.

Blanket award for all the Infiniti SUV’s. Their general irrelevance as a brand lets them skate off the radar for having a group of people decide QX(number) is somehow an appealing name for an automobile. NOT ON MY WATCH.

To your point, in the last few months my clutch pedal has developed a very deliberate creak, which by all accounts signals an impending failure and floppy clutch pedal, necessitating a full assembly replacement. Fuck this thing. 

I’ve accepted that I won’t be doing it until way down the road. Getting an aftermarket shifter (not just a short throw kit, a full mechanism replacement that mounts direct to trans) has quelled the common issues to the point I’m comfortable sticking with the MT82 until it either finds some new way to be terrible, or

Feel for this. My fun car I’ve committed to keeping forever is a ‘16 Mustang. While it isn’t necessarily a self-inflicted mistake, I know that someday I’ll need to replace the godforsaken MT82 transmission. It’ll be expensive, but as long as I plan on keeping it... 

It’s funny, the jobs not having any trouble finding people are the ones you can do without knowing a lick of English. Drywall tapers are doing fine!

Right, and people forget that the 1/2, 3/4, and 1 ton trucks felt like farm equipment too, until the 2000's. While it’s a nice idea to imagine what a modern full size pickup would be like shrunken down to half it’ size, it’s not gonna happen anytime soon.