GMT800 Tahoe Guy

Indeed, and I can appreciate they continue to sell a consumer version as well (I think they are calling it a Voyager?). They essentially do the same thing with the last gen Ram where they keep selling it under “Classic”. Pretty effectively under cuts the market, especially in a segment that prefers new over used for

Pretty sure this is the reason why the old Chrysler minivan won’t go away. Fleet buyers will literally not pay anything more for a vehicle that can reasonably seat 7 people, regardless of the design and platform predating the O’Bama administration.

Indeed, once the frames were bent, there wasn’t much of a point.

Hey they had to go somewhere after big tobacco lost. Apparently fighting losing battles is a fairly successful career path?

Now playing

Neutral: Completely out of left field, but you asked. This shit whips ass.

What was so depressing was GM said they were going to fix all of them, but after hoisting them out, they realized there was a few that were completely unsalvageable. 

Hell yes. If you don’t have some intense emotional attachment to it, then let it rip.

That’s also and equally good reason to not just assume the truck would handle it. I’d still give this thing a motorcade to a decent sized vacant lot before lighting it up on-site.

Plot Twist: I’m actually a Mustang owner. But to your point, my first “project” car was a junkyard 90's Z28 me and my cousin resurrected. And come to think, I have no idea what happened to it. 

That’s the point. He’s only getting trash with $5,000. Get the trash that is FR, easy to wrench on, and can take all the abuse you could possibly hurl at it.

Miata or Crown Vic

I *think* there’s a line of logic that there are more bad things that can happen in transit than there are just by using the supposedly safe truck on-location.

Reverse is profoundly interesting. You can totally see their was potential for the Corvette to go in the same “personal luxury coupe” direction as the Thunderbird (especially based on the C1). Instead, the utter lunacy of Arkus-Duntov made the C2 into an actual sports car, and the Corvette has had a much more

Are we sure the mypillow guy isn’t running workhorse? Has anyone ever seen the respective company’s founders in the same place at the same time?

Indeed. Funny thing is, I think most people don’t find that shade of green attractive, but... it’s British Racing Green.

Wrong or not, that color whips ass.

Awful to think that while police unions own a lot of the blame for the current relationship between this country and the police, they also can’t help their own.

Bingo, some once commented on here about how when they went to look at a Stinger GT, the salesman had no idea how to “sell” them the car. Just kept on pushing a bunch of insane financing.

I think this is unfortunately the nimrods who absolutely cannot wait to replace their perfectly functional crossover with another one, so they’ll pay through the nose for it. The “I need a car now” crowd will usually make the right decision and just nab a Sentra or Corolla or whatever.