GMT800 Tahoe Guy

We agree on more of this issue than you realize. I am by no means saying that a small business should not be able to pay living wages. The only thing I somewhat disagree with is this:

Indeed. There’s a similar sentiment in real estate. I’ve seen this whackjob idea floated multiple times that eventually, all the residential property in America should be owned by like 4-6 competitive real estate companies who rent it out to everybody. Which is sickening to think of, but you kinda get the logic behind

Heh, I had a high school econ teacher tell me “it’s not about making something people want. It’s about making something they don’t know they want.”


This is my point. You are either leaving a third of America unemployed, or the mega-corps are the only employers in the world. I’m not sure which movie has a worse ending.

This labor shortage is a profound conundrum. Obviously the knee-jerk reaction is that we should have been paying people more for a certain job if it’s this difficult to make them come back, regardless of if they changed careers or are just on unemployment. And it’s easy wag the finger at companies the size of A/A, or

And, if passed, Vice reports, it carries penalties for companies that refuse to comply:

I thought being a turbo 5 speed would change the calculus a bit on this, but I still think the same thing every time I see a reasonably priced PT cruiser:

Indeed, one of the reasons why the those SUV’s are so valuable (and also cheap to insure) is because they have a million parts for them out there. 

Ehh, not that Chicago wasn’t retroactively redlined and segregated, but you’ve always been able to take a CTA bus end to end on a street like Grand or Western, which takes you through all manner of neighborhoods that fell on either side of redlining. Pace (and Metra) getting on board with Ventra was a good move, but P

It is, but it’s somewhat skewed due to how much better interest rates are and how much more common leasing is.

My guess is most review-type content lost out to all the hullaballoo about how bad the launch was for the Explorer.

Quietly a feelgood story of the last ten years. Went from death’s door to a fairly vanilla yet stable brand, and a good option if you’re explicitly trying  not to get one of the German big 3.

You’ve just given them the idea for the worst commercial ever you sonofabitch. 

I remember experiencing that left/right/center thing on the left handlebar for the first time on an old Honda Elite. It became muscle memory almost immediately.

Oh god yes. For all the spades the Taco/4Runner drivetrain has had in reliability, it loses in being completely gutless. I say this as a former lesse of a redesigned Tacoma and a current owner of a 2010 4Runner. Even the 2016 felt like it was running on gravel.

Yeah, that’s what I figured. In that way I’d say it’s going to be fighting the 4Runner as much as it’s fighting the Wrangler. 

I only knew these existed because I kept on mistaking the tailights for my ‘16 Tacoma when looking down a row of cars in a lot.

Here here, I work in construction (PM for electrical contractor) and I jump out of my skin if my hard hat taps a lightweight dangling material like an ethernet cord.

This is the real wild card. Wranglers have always rode like garbage and we had accepted it as a necessity to build the best/purest off-roader. Bronco will either prove the same point, or prove that it was just Chrysler being Chrysler.