GMT800 Tahoe Guy

Right, this was my point exactly. Apologies, I’m used to being attacked by an army of weirdo zealots for even floating they idea of Hydrogen being feasible in certain cases.

Not sure if this agreement or disagreement? Moral the story is that storing whatever amount of kWh you need to match ~2000 miles of range is going to be a fraction of the weight in Hydrogen F-Cell that it would be in batteries.

3rd Gear: Launching hydrogen testing now sure is... something you can do.

Just like the decent product mix that Pontiac had before dying.

He drove the car another two years and 30K miles before it got rammed in the side one day while he was at class.

Perez taming the cursed Red Bull #2 seat has quietly been one of the best storylines of the season. If Baku is any indicator, Checo is a lot better at picking up Max’s slack on a bad day than Bottas is with Hamilton.

Indeed, it’s a matter of when, not if. There’s a bunch of different scenarios for what happens next (Bottas axed for performance reasons, Hamilton moving on to the next adventure, formal Williams partnership with Merc.) but they all end with Russel driving a Mercedes in at most a 2 years.

My cousin has a Dodge Intrepid that ticked over 200k last year. Commendable by the car, but no less masochistic by him to be driving a 20 year old Dodge Intrepid.

What’s hilarious is they probably never even owned that property in Ohio, so all this company can possibly be liquidated for is the scrap of the prototypes. 

FB marketplace is only good for taking screenshots of absurdly underpriced cars and sending them to my friends and saying “how to get robbed.”

The funny thing is every company that has tried subscription based car ownership has absolutely eaten shit on it, yet they are still somehow convinced that this will take off.

The obvious answer is none, but for the sake of providing a response I’ll move the goalposts a bit.

Better yet, get one of the pickups and one of the open trailers to use for sight-seeing.

Depends on how liberal your use of the term “seating” is.

Neutral: As much as we bemoan how big and expensive cars are, that doesn’t mean the whole landscape is hopeless. If you’re shopping for something specific, even if you are a bit picky, the market has just about all the bases covered* for the right price

NASCAR discourse online is fun because *that* portion of the fanbase is SO galactically stupid, you’d have to be a rube yourself to actually get mad about it. I have a lot of fun conversation on twitter with the sensible ones while simultaneously admiring the people roaming around claiming that Bubba Wallace is

Contrary to my avatar, I am not remotely a GM fanboy (just the big handsome boys from the early 2000's)...

Quite! I had a friend ask me if he could tow a ski boat with one of these (apparently its called an outlander sport):

Indeed. Not many people know that pound for pound, monocoques are actually stronger than a BOF ladder chassis, so you cannot really overload this thing unless you are doing something deliberately stupid like hitching up a 30' yacht.

To be fair, reporting payload and bed capacity is not something Hyundai has ever had to do before.