GMT800 Tahoe Guy

Yeah, but I also think there is a decent chance this takes off outside of the fleet market. The interior doesn’t look great, but still, you get in a model with leather seats for less than you would in a Camry or an Accord.

I know there’s a faction out there that accurately points out how woefully inefficient hydrogen is in terms of power density, but if we really are trying to get cars off any sort of fossil fuel, I’m not sure what else is supposed to power the heavy towing portion of the market. At a certain point you are giving up too

Heck, the Lariat is only $27k before any options. Don’t you need at least $30k to get into a Camry with leather seats? What the hell is going on here?

Yeah, if you’re poor, there really is no fall-back option for cheap reliable transit. The secret is already out on 10-20 year old Camrys, Accords, CR-V’s, Toyota & GM BOF trucks. People know what they are and will pay a premium for them if they can afford it, and will out bid the people who really *need* it.

This thing got like 1/100th of the buildup and fanfare the Bronco got, but imo, is 100x more important.

I *think* there is probably a means in the sensing systems do tell when you’ve been cut off (following distance drops abruptly) and when you are just being clumsy (following distance decreases for a a few seconds, followed by hard braking).

Here Here. The whole “wHaT iF yOu GeT t-bOneD bY a sEmI dOiNg 1oo??/?” crowd is insufferable.

I’m sure these things feel rather terrifying in big sprawly suburbs with wide-ass streets where everyone whips around in full size trucks at 35mph, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t have a lot of practical use elsewhere. It would effectively be a competitor to a moped, which are popular in cities for a reason.

Hell yeah, I remember that thing. Although it was a bit redundant considering the 300 is essentially that big car, albeit on an ancient platform. 

In retrospect, we know Chevy never acknowledged the existence of the SS because the UAW lost it’s shit that it was even here in the first place. And those things practically never depreciated. 5 years on and they are worth more than they were new. And everyone thought the Hellcats were going to be the “investment”

That’s the dream, and I’m convinced that’s why *someone* is trying to buy Lamborghini. The idea that this company that makes less than 10k cars a year is impacting climate change is nonsense.

Wait, isn’t this a Enclave? Wasn’t Avenir some concept from a while ago? Is it a trim level now instead?

Interesting. I actually got one of those adapters that tricked my ps4 into thinking the G27 was a G29, which i used for a little while, but probably not for what it was worth. Not because it was too much trouble, but I never raced anything on PS4 as much as I did PS3 (seriously, GT5 was my life). I wonder if it’s the

I mean, yeah, I guess there’s a lot to philosophically digest there, but at the end of the day I’m calling it a good thing that the U.S. military of all things is taking itself less seriously, to the point they have star wars characters at a swearing in ceremony.

1st - This definitely is mostly down to legacy manufacturers rolling out enough conventional BEV’s that the gimmicky stuff and concept reveals that ask “wHaT iS mObIlItY?” have become white noise. But I also think this has something to do with Elon being such a big wiener for the last year that it’s soured a lot of

Sounds like a good deal. Are the more hardcore setups like fantec universally compatible with everything? Or do they take take some finagling to work on the consoles?

Indeed, I’m a sucker for a light but deep blue and Toyota has one that is absolutely killer.

Indeed, what weird place to have them. I wonder if the owners realize how much somebody would pay for it. 

Agreed on the color. I hate criticizing any color when everything else is grayscale, but man is that thing tough on the eyes. Looks like yellow Gatorade vomit.

I mean, they always did have a valid point that making “everything” backwards compatible was resource intensive, and they would rather use those resources elsewhere. But with pretty much everything being a digital download now, there really isn’t much of an argument for not having it all at least somewhat compatible,