GMT800 Tahoe Guy

You would not believe what those things were going for used, even before Covid popped off. It’s the vehicle of choice for wealthy retiring Boomer snowbirds going down to Florida and Arizona. The holy trinity of cars going for way more than they’re worth is the CrossCabrilolet, Ford Excursion, and Bronco. One of them

If you can afford it, I say grab a G29. It’s going to be compatible on the 5 as well as the 4, and I think they work on the 3 as well. They are also pretty cheap now that the Covid-at-home bubble has pretty much popped. 

I was actually planning of breaking my norm of waiting a couple years to buy the current gen PS when I saw that that almost everything will be backwards compatible, and that the G29 wheel was going to be fully functional on the 5. But if this news is true, then a revamped GTA5 later this summer is the only thing

Best part about College in the Midwest (Michigan State for me) was that when it hit 40 for the first time in late February after that inevitable stretch where it doesn’t get above 15 for like a month and a half, everyone is outside in shorts playing football and studying outside.

Two huge omissions that are in similar vain: The story about almost getting crushed by a Tahoe driving into oncoming, and the write-up after the conversation with the Tesla freak on youtube (I don’t have links handy but they should be easy to find). In both instances, Torch approached a couple flash-point issues...

Hell yes. This thing was a centerpiece of Test Drive: Unlimited as well.

Two-Way Street. You’d be surprised how cold “shorts-weather” is for people in northern climates.

Oh believe me, I’ve been making this argument for awhile. This is just the other shoe that we’ve been waiting the drop that does not leave any room for discussion anymore. The mArKeT dIsRuPtEr dopes really don’t have a way out here.

Bingo. I’m reminded of the RegularCarReviews bit where 3 different autozone employees stand around the computer trying to make sense of the part# (which goes for the rest of the car too).

We kept on making a big deal of how ride-hailing was never meant to be a full time job, but instead just something people would do to make money on the side (albeit taxable if I’m not mistaken). If the companies are only now serving that intended purpose, and it means driving up fares to the point that you might as

There probably would have been a more tangible negative response from hardcore fans if there had been some sort of accompanying change coming to the “actual” Mustang, but since the next gen is going to still have a V8, they sort of get off the hook there.

Depends what sort of service/support you are looking for. One of my coworkers got the passenger side mirror knocked off his Model 3. When he called to find out when the new one was coming in, somebody always answered the phone and was cordial... but it still took over two months.

I mean, he said that a while ago, but he says a LOT of shit. It was a lot easier claim altruism when the whole market was them, the Nissan Leaf, and whatever the hell Fisker was doing in 2011. The tone has seemed to be much more abrasive to his competitors of late, both on the EV and AV front. My guess was that

It was one of my dad’s greatest conflicts. He loved having “his” side of the garage reserved for junk/projects, but that meant walking out to cold and snow covered cars in the winter.

Hell yes. Any modding plans?

Disagree on the Tacoma/4Runner. Those things cost a lot because they hold their value regardless of what the market is doing. They are freaking tanks.

Not the trusty ‘ole Oppenheimer, but it certainly runs in parallel.

The recent spike in the price of 10ish year old SUV’s and Pickups has poisoned whatever entity is telling him the truck is worth that much, without realizing it’s this fisher-price looking fake mini truck. That valuation is based on carpenters looking for an effective work truck they won’t have to replace for awhile.

There’s a really good Manhattan Project physicist quote (can’t remeber which one for the life of me) that is essentially: Intelligence is worthless unless you can tell when you don’t know something.

The thing I do notice, and have since the beginning of 2020, is that traffic in general moves faster. Like, people speed more now than pre-pandemic. I drive above the speed limit, and I used to always be one of the faster moving cars on any road, but now I’m solidly mid-pack.