GMT800 Tahoe Guy

Everything outside of the naming didn’t strike me as either negative or positive. It just listed all the things that the system does, which all seemed like the sort of thing you would expect from a work-in-progress semi-autonomous system. Raph goes in on a valid point about the sytem fighting you for control until the

This was actually the plot of the 1999 movie Mickey Blue Eyes except they did it with outrageous paintings like this.

1st: I mean, would anybody really be that surprised if the established car companies are actually further along in the whole autonomous thing than Tesla? The key difference being that they all do most of their testing in-house as opposed to Tesla who just spawns it on the public and uses that as their data collection.

I am the senate Mustang

Firing everyone involved with the “no more cars” decision is equal parts smart and hilarious. It’s probably the best answer to his cousin Chris’s important question:

I agree with your sentiment, but American cities and Suburbs were in-fact designed for cars to be the primary mode of transit. In hindsight, we can absolutely call that a mistake, but let’s not act surprised that everyone uses the transportation device they were built around.

Here here. Vehicles should be classified and regulated by weight/GVWR the way actual trucks are. More car-like crossovers seem to be getting more successful the smaller they get (Trailblazer, Ecosport, HR-V, Rav4) proving that this is all really about just having a slightly taller hatchback that is easier for someone

Eh, the story ‘16 is more that if you boiled both bases down to the staunchest members who will hold their nose and vote the party line no matter what, then the Republicans win the electoral college. Biden’s strong primary performance in states like Michigan and Wisconsin that Hillary lost to Bernie signals he’s got

this kinda rules but the lack of miles is indeed an insta-No Dice. Those Triton’s have a history of eating their own valves. 

4TH: Only the friggin’ Gerrys could combine an extremely forward and progressive pro-labor movements with the most metal slogan ever.

Scion died the same death Saturn did: All the popularity and success it initially had built by being separate from the parent company was eventually eroded away by getting sucked into the corporation and badge-engineered to death.

Doing a mountain of cocaine can make people do some pretty spectacular things.

Woah, I think that’s because I was reading about viscous differentials earlier. But to your point, a good way to describe this time is all the things that have ever been bad about the world at any point, all in one viscous mass. 

1ST: This may sound random and inconsequential, but Jim Farely seems like a total goofball on twitter, which I think it kind of rules. In the viscous hellscape that is 2020, lack of self-importance is a quality I appreciate most in people, and is the absolute antithesis to most boardrooms in big corporations.

Lived there for 5 years. I’d say that just about everything east of Lansing is relatively sensible (with the obvious exception of Detroit, but you can’t really compare that to anything else in the state).

Endorsing the hell out of this. Not a big fan of the obscenely aggressive nose on the current model is, but $50k would get you more than enough amenities to care.

If EVs were profitable and mainstream, the giants would be in that space.

This is the point I think people might be missing. These renders could very well just be the designers sitting around laughing and wondering what sort of heinous garbage they can get away with. Both to the managers, and the people who buy them.

I would include the caveat it’s ok to not turn a profit at first if the company at least starts trending towards profitability (this is why comparing Amazon to Tesla is not a fruitful exercise).

Neutral - I mean, all the cars are used right? Once a car leaves a franchise dealership and is paid for, it can change hands in any way. It’s basically just ebay without the auction, and the shipping responsibility on the seller.