GMT800 Tahoe Guy

Its probably the most important thing to come out of the primary grades. And beyond that, there are some disciplines were online learning just isn’t practical. 

Indeed. Especially for pre-high-school where social interaction and development is half the point. As if kids nowadays weren’t having a hard enough time with non-digital interpersonal communication, this is not going to help. 

These are all fair points, but I find social sanity thing is now more of a quality of quantity sort of thing. Only seeing my close family and friends regularly has I think led to more friendly conversation with people in line at the grocery store and things of that nature. 

Sounds reasonable. Unpopular opinion is that American engine reliability really did peak in the late 90's through the mid/late 2000's. The final iteration of the Powerstroke 7.3, the GM Vortec’s would make 300k without much fuss, the Ford Modulars were bullet proof. As well made as modern engines are, meeting

Indeed. One of my friends from college was moving from LA to Chicago, and asked me what would be a good car to buy, make the drive with, and sell once he arrived and make money. I told him if he could bring practically any work truck around 10 years old without any rust, he would make at least 25% on it. He made like

Dang, I know they are beasts, but how close is one of these things to being dead @ 300k?

If the movie is to be believed, it was pretty much out of spite for his parents.

Isn’t it weird? I have been watching it happen for a year now. It came out of nowhere. My only justification is that any Excursion you find is probably in better shape than an equivalently aged F-250 would be, but is in much shorter supply. 

Indeed, I’ve been watching this trend for about a year now. These just started rocketing up in value out of absolutely nowhere. The prices on the gas V10's aren’t anything to sneeze at either.

This is the first thing I thought of, too. They might be different cars for different people, but that HP/$ is hard to get over.

that was my immediate thought too. It looks like a CX-whatever front end grafted onto a Ranger’s body.

Detroit is such a mindfuck because there is this massive awesome car culture, but the climate and roads utterly despise cars. Maybe its a grass is greener thing, but I would love to try a living in a place like the southwest where I can drive my Mustang year-round without worrying about getting uphill in the snow or

This is funny, but also begs the question what’s so different between Harley making the same bikes for 40 years, and FCA never bothering to replace the LX/LD platform that supports their lineup.

that shit hurted

But we’ve gotten 60,000 trouble-free miles from it, despite my utter contempt for the CVT.

Just dumbing it down to “advertising” was a bit unfair, but to your point, they are selling it *mostly* to people who want to try and sell you things. Which is gross, but not outright evil.

The phrase “You ever feel like your being watched?” has an extremely negative connotation regardless of race, class etc. And there’s a difference between being tracked by private industry for advertising purposes and being tracked by and for actual legal authority. Not saying that either is morally acceptable, but

I believe the English got rid of it after trying to implement it for much of the 21st century

I’ve found that a decent chunk of the far-right that are supportive of a full-on police state. Like not even unintentionally conflicting view points. They openly want it. 

Your not wrong, but the public is still never (or at least many years from) embracing massive camera surveillance, even just for traffic monitoring. That’s not just the “ugh no infringing on my #FREEDOM AND MY #RIGHTS” crowd, that’s most of the sane rational people who are just as critical of policing practices as