Thank you, I needed that laugh today
Thank you, I needed that laugh today
I’m not so sure she won’t win. There are first-gen français-maghrébins supporting Le Pen because they are now anti-immigrant. Never underestimate France’s xenophobia.
Precisely what I came here to say.
Atlanta was one of my two favorite shows to premiere in 2016 (along with Baskets), but I’m not getting how anyone thinks La La Land was undeserving of praise. It was a delightful fluff of a movie and it did that well.
This is nearly Madewell’s entire dress collection, going on two years. One of these boxy shirt dresses is good here and there, but the trend comes off as lazy designing on the label’s part.
My thoughts exactly - her family cared enough about her well being to let her marry this guy. It gives the impression that they just wanted her remarried to save face, just like they are claiming she doesn’t understand cause/effect now. If she is as vulnerable as they say she is, and they care for her as much as they…
I had the same thought about her learning disability making her a doormat for someone like him. I wonder if her family realized they were putting her in danger by marrying him, a man whose first wife fled due to his abusive nature.
Mia Moretti’s look is very Kimmy Gibbler meets Six from Blossom
THE WIGS. How are the wigs so bad? Are they doing this to be authentic - was wig technology that poor in the 80s? I was so relieved when Martha finally acknowledged Clark’s wig, but then she assumed it was a toupee. Goddammit, Martha.
Right? It’s definitely Naomi Watts in silver, but then who is the lady in the lavender column? It also looks just like her. Diane Kruger?
The angle of this photo is making her right leg look it is coming out of her stomach
YES ruffled bandeaus and tankinis are the only thing anyone is trying to sell to my size the last several summers. I always end up with a halter-tied triangle top that tries to eat my hair every time I tie it.
Yes, and she’s now magically getting better now that they’re divorcing. Factitious disorder FTW
I still love that this happened.
YES! Thank you. Grimes forever.
The literal Best. 90% of my music listening time is spent on Grimes’ catalog. Realiti is my current fave.