
I feel like it’s the 90s again and I’m super excited at the USS Defiant from Deep Space Nine popping up on Star Trek: First Contact.

Somewhat related, I saw the Voltron Legendary Defender toys for sale for the first time this weekend (all 5 lions that for a 16" Voltron) and damn if I didn’t want to be a kid again and tear into those packages.

The fact that a Chinese court is enforcing ip owned by a western company was something unheard of just 10 years ago. Awarding damages for copying cars that have the eyes in the wrong place has significant implications on global trade.

It’s kinda funny to me that they actually dimmed the scene down to that degree in post production.

I’m going ape shit.

All of the recent Planet of the Apes moves are well done. They aren’t monkeying around.

You’re going to turn this into a three-ring Serkis.

This is going to be bananas.

It’s a Marvel movie. Someone WILL loose and arm/leg.

I really, really hope the big cityscape thing is the Act Two action bit and we haven’t seen anything of Act 3. I’m already bored of the bending buildings and I haven’t seen the movie yet. And I want to love this movie.

I’m going to guess it’s one swear word, and some body gets either melted, shattered, or vaporized.


Hurray! It’s a shitty movie, but MORE OF IT!

Do little girls deserve movie heroes? Absolutely. But they deserve Ripley and Sarah Connor and Furiosa and Rey and not shitty characters trapped in a shitty remake.

Does the directors cut add humor? That was the one major thing this comedy was lacking.

After discussing with others, I eventually hit on why this movie came across so bad. Every single character is comic relief. All of them. Including the freaking army. There is not a single straight man/woman to be seen anywhere. The result is dud after dud because there is nothing to land against.

That was the first thing I thought when I read “This was, for most of us, the biggest plot hole in the film.” Like okay, why don’t I remember this being referenced in the articles being pumped out.

How does it feel to pretend to like yet another garbage reboot souless studio cash grab for the lone reason that you fell for a corporate manufactured sexism/racism crisis?

Me and the Mrs. just watched the theatrical release and while it a couple of moments, overall it feel flat for us. Guess I’m going to have check out the uncut version.

Awesome, take a bad movie and add more bad scenes to make it even more bad, nice.