Maybe it’s not that they allow more space, but that they take longer to get pregnant? Or, possibly, that since they are older they are (possibly) more highly educated and know it’s better to space?
Maybe it’s not that they allow more space, but that they take longer to get pregnant? Or, possibly, that since they are older they are (possibly) more highly educated and know it’s better to space?
Joan Cheever, a San Antonio woman who’s been feeding the homeless for the past decade, is arguing that Texas’…
The Artsiest Trill. WHATS UP DAX.
My rage at Gwyneth Paltrow for this goddamned stunt is kind of boundless. My rage at anyone who pulls this stunt is kind of boundless. You really want to know what it's like to be poor? Great. I'll tell you how to pull it off:
And speed for housewives!
Any other stupid historical practices we can bring back? I vote for drinking mixtures of opium and alcohol for nerves. I have such bad nerves you guys!
Who cares about his brains when he has the looks...I just want to devour his cheeks and permanently furrowed brow with a fork. He’s cute enough to coast by on his looks and not have to worry about being smart, imo. He can find a nice lady baby someday to provide for him and he can feed the world with his giant fat…
You know, I generally hate the way the god-botherers in government act, but I don’t see a whole lot of infringement upon religious liberties here. The Wiccan priestess gave her prayer without incident, certain parties took some offense and expressed it in relatively benign ways, and (from what I can tell) everyone…
Jesus would be pretty pissed about the whole Christian public prayer thing that they usually do before every session, given that whole speech he gave specifically prohibiting it. I doubt he’d be very concerned about what one Wiccan did, and more concerned about how most of his followers are getting his message so…
Frankly, I think it’s just stunningly childish and irresponsible that these people would get on airplanes without up to date Cooties vaccinations in the first place.
Jackie lied and Rolling Stone fucked up so tremendously, and those stats about how many women “get raped” “in their…
I can not wait until these fuckers are sued blind for this shit. What absolute idiots.
Ugh, we’re totally gonna get shit on but this is one of the main reasons I do not believe in the death penalty. There are a lot of very terrible people in the world that make me very upset but I always wonder what happened to this person to make them this way? What did life/society/family teach this person? Everyone…
Unfortunately, fetuses in utero don’t always “die” all at once. They can be rotting away and killing the woman with infection while their heart still continues to beat — and that’s all these shitheels care about. If there’s a heartbeat, it’s “murder”.
But funding things for real children? BOOTSTRAPS.
I want to make it clear that I am NOT defending this law, but it does say a “living” unborn child, which to me would mean that if your fetus had died in utero already, you’d be able to have the procedure.
I’ve had a D&E. I would have one again, given the same set of circumstances. Was it what I wanted for me and my child? God, no. Was it the very best option in the midst of an absolute shit buffet of options? Yes.
Kansas: where poor women are forced to have children but are not allowed to bring said children to the pool or the movies, or spend more than $25 a day on said children.
This is extremely disconcerting to me, as the majority of definitive prenatal tests for genetic defects do not occur until the second trimester. Now, a woman is entitled to this legal, simple, medical procedure any time that they want for any reason; but it’s especially maddening that women in Kansas are not going to…