I'm proud to say I worked with one of the CG modelers/animators for many years. He created many of the ship models, including the Planet Express ship, and was part of the original team that put the iconic title sequence together.
I am Sorry to tell you, but Futurama is indeed made with the use of 3d CGI graphics. It always has been. The Spaceship, the City, many shots of Bender and most explosions are cel-shaded 3d
More coming soon on this, obviously.
I thought you needed three rings for a circus.
NO FREAKING WAY! Live video game development. I hope Twitch permits this for every streamer that isn't a big licensed developed. It was in the Twitch survey.
Need one for BOOGIE OVERLOAD IMMINENT, please.
For all your internet arguments:
Joseph Cross was one of the very first artists we featured here on Fine Art, back before it was even known as Fine…
I live in a beige state. I'm not sure how to feel about this.
Things that are more difficult to explain to a child than homosexuality: dinosaurs, gravity, the infield fly rule, why the sun changes color as it sets, the Doppler Effect, flu shots, war, why the family dog went to the vet and never came back, long division, pretty much anything in the Bible.
Should be much easier with most of their next-gen games running off Frostbite 3 and will only get easier as different dev teams create more and more modules that other teams can use down the line.
Sounds familiar...
I was so happy that Microsoft announced that Halo 2 is coming back with multiplayer. I literally screamed when it was announced. I haven't felt that excited for Halo 2 for 10 years and the most fun I can remember in gaming was playing Halo 2 multiplayer, playing custom games, being in a clan and just spending hours…
Cosplayer Carla Croft wanted to cosplay as Lara Croft, but instead of the most recent version, she went for the…
Cloud computing is a still-new yet widely-used concept that tends to get over-branded for specific cases and create a stigma based on past experiences. SimCity, for example, gave us a good idea of how the cloud could help; simulating each Sim's daily routines, traffic patterns, global markets and letting our city…