oh that’s those Army ads i hate so much. the latest one just stripping away all subtlety
oh that’s those Army ads i hate so much. the latest one just stripping away all subtlety
mmm at first glance this sounds like they’re selling the 60fps next-gen boxes short but idk.
yeah nah lol if you can point what in those trailers were “next-gen” i’ll eat my hat. that it *looked* better than halo doesn’t mean much, and saying people “got it” means nothing either. did it look like a leap from last gen? it did not, even if infinite looks undercooked.
even next-gen titles won’t have the “next-gen” graphics people think they’ll have, tho. this game is a cross-gen title, but in general the graphics aren’t frog-leaping this time.
meh. i’m glad she’s in there talking pie-in-the-sky stuff. because that stuff is just as possible as the milquetoast that goes on now. and that is needed. things can change on a dime if people care enough, we just need more of her.
lol i mean, it’s just words. it’s won’t be as widely accessible and it’s going *back* into dev mode. the function of a “beta” is that it’s pre-release, and it’ll be a (mostly if not completely) different version when they’re done. so “beta” sounds correct whether it started that way or not.
the good CG stuff is coming F I N A L L Y
...and the majority has agreed on black lives not mattering. for a while now. you were saying?
yes. it was a propaganda tool. captain america punched nazis lmao. no matter how bad the nazis were, that’s still propaganda. avengers are a paramilitary force, do you disagree with that assessment? if you don’t, then surely my point isn’t hard to parse or understand.
fair. since it’s moved into pop culture status now, we’ll see if that holds true.
and, again, the avengers have existed *how* long????
i don’t talk with internet babies
for those who need a little help, the avengers are not new, captain america is not new, and the pop culture icon status it has now is not in a vacuum and takes into account its cultural relevance before that status i.e. they were comics read by a bunch of people. and what is the avengers about? and what were those…
the nerve of these people thinking i’m making up shit lmaoooo
i’m not overstating anything. you’re the one taking my pretty tame comment and trying to infer things lol. does pop culture *not* prop up ideologies of the culture it comes from?
did i blame it? i said “prop up and legitimize” and if you wanna argue against the effectiveness of propaganda no matter how fictional then let’s go internet guy lmao. comic book characters don’t exist in a vacuum.
lol might be a good time to talk about how avengers existing as pop culture icon and running around the world saving things props up and legitimizes american policing and militarization
pls stop giving these people cookies lol
it’s funny like, my friends and i are talking about it, ‘cause we were all there together. but we definitely felt as though things were just progressing in real-time. we’d already considered that it didn’t really get started til around 1230 so people could get in. but once the missles came into view as pink, faint…
this is not true, and the whole reason these 24/7 streams even exist after they said “you don’t have to marathon” is because people don’t read.