

That argument doesn’t even make any sense. It's new stuff, not covered in the cost of the game. Why wouldn't they ask you to pay for it?

Gamer doesn't know how game development works. Per usual.

BUT! Oryx does seem to be "taking" himself at the end of the Regicide mission, if only to save himself from death. Which is probably why he's at least five times bigger than before and why his chest is all glowy.

I don’t know why people just think Microsoft is gonna not make these tools available to any developer because Xbox. They don’t care what you develop for if you’re paying them money to use their tools. Why on earth would they do that?

Okay I like this song too but this upload is definitely slowed down.

Eh. We just played a match where we were spawned on the inside and totally wrecked the team, so...

These are sweet!

...that’s the point?

Pretty sure that even the tattoo is inspired by the Pinpin artwork. There's no way the guy hadn't seen it before and did that, 'cause it looks like the stripes on the tail are there too.

This in no way looks better than Halo 5.

This comment is jibberish.

That sounds to me like talent acquisition, since it got closed that quick.

I never thought this was a fair assessment, for any buyout of a developer — the snatching up and "running into the ground." Because a) we don't know the financial situation of said developers at the time of purchase; b) I mean you gotta be profitable, whether you're under big corp or still indie, so... c) who's to say

Swing and a miss.

I'm less fascinated by how big it is — being honest about it, it's not really that big, but can be; it's all in the algorithms — than the actual constructing of it through the calculations, and the "crowdsourcing" of the universes and their idiosyncrasies and how all of that is gonna work. That's a cool software

Be happy they're telling you. There's been plenty of times when patches introduce bugs, I'm sure.

Bless you for the Bee and Puppycat clip.

Nah, they're equally bad.

Coincidentally, I started rewatching this last night. Love this shit.