And that sounds like a personal problem.
And that sounds like a personal problem.
Or you could just take it and enjoy it for what it is?
And that's really my point, I just expressed it less elegantly. Some things you have to enjoy it for what it is, and how the creators (more or less) intended.
But really, I think the best possible option would be to give players the option to choose between whichever of the two retro Rainbow Road versions they prefer.
How important, in your opinion, does the connection to the communities factor in to the employment process of police officers? What better ways can law enforcement build (or rebuild) their connection with the communities they serve and bring themselves to be knowledgeable of its problems?
I'm having a bit of trouble getting my head around the appeal of most of the fall release calendar.
I know it's in jest but I think Hulk would look rather awesome with tats.
Geometry Wars > Resogun
...and how many AAA exclusives were already announced two months ago?
I don't see how your opinion of game reviews changes the fact that gamers already check to see if the game is good before buying, and if they didn't Kotaku wouldn't be here. So this concern is non-existent.
That's just called "not being a smart shopper." Like, really? That's the pitfall you present? With the numerous playthroughs and sneak-peaks and reviews and previews? You say that like people don't already check to see if it's a good buy before buying any game at all. That's why we have Kotaku.
EULAs are a relatively new phenomenon in gaming. Two, three generations ago? Not even a thing. Cartridge-based games? Same deal. You bought a physical product and it was yours to do what you want with, because that's how ownership works.
Truthfully, game software was never "owned" by the consumer in the first place. They all had EULAs; so it's only a *perceived* ownership that everyone seems to be getting worked up over.
Nice one!
It's a subscription. Ergo, if you're not online to renew at the end of the month, the game is locked until you reconnect.
They don't have to check. The file could have a timer.
Okay, comparing the sales to something else doesn't mean it's not selling well. No matter how many times it's pointed out.