Mercedes McQueen's Apple Core

I’ve found the loudest screamers of “east coast elite” are in fact east coast conservative white collar men who feel oppressed because they had to go a diversity training 15 years ago and won’t shut up about it. 

But Warren, now a frontrunner, will have to come up with a better answer to the question of how to pay for Medicare for All

Yes, but if you go out of your way to categorically state that you cannot find trans women to be attractive, based on an erroneous assumption that all trans women have penises, then it makes sense that some people are gonna look at you askew. Trans women don’t want to sleep with people who don’t want to sleep with

This whole “but she has a penis so is she really a she?” thing is so dumb.

Disney is coming to the plate with I believe every season of the Simpsons.  Definitely gets me interested.

Other people are noting how Disney has content for adults, but I’d also add that Netflix does compete in kids content. There’s a whole default kids profile, and they make Netflix original kids cartoons. The Magic School Bus reboot is theirs.

Ellen Degeneres and George W. Bush hanging out at the Cowboys game last night is an excellent example of this! The two were seen with their wives in a private suite, “smiling and chatting.”

Separately, the Department of Homeland Security this year diverted nearly $6 million from its cybercrimes units to immigration enforcement — depleting 40 percent of the units’ discretionary budget until the final month of the fiscal year.

At the same time, the powers-that-be have no problem using it as an excuse to weaken privacy protections or to reduce access to security tools for the overwhelming majority of users who are not now, and never will be, a threat.

I know Twitter is a cesspool, but every day I am more impressed at the depths to which it can sink.

Yes, this is the first I’ve heard that he may have been violent with Reese Witherspoon. I am aghast.

Federal workers have received “location pay” for years. This is intended to (partially) compensate them for the higher cost of living in NY, LA, etc. So it’s not like the federal government never heard of the “geographic cost of living,” they just pretend it doesn’t exist in private companies (and that the “free

This is the kind of scenario you can fully understand both sides. I’m guessing they only just firmed up Tom Welling’s participation, which they probably wanted before reaching out to Rosenbaum. But, given when they are looking to go forward on this, this means they basically have no time left. They need to confirm the

This. It wasn’t long ago that a story was circulating where he said “no one has called me” in regards to the crossover event... and I think that was probably the moment some idiot finally thought of calling him.

I’m confused why WB had to know now if they couldn’t give him any information about what he’d be doing. Not even shooting dates.

Dammit, WB. I have a feeling that they realized fans would want Rosenbaum’s Luthor very late in the game, hence why they only just called him and offered him, basically, no information. It probably would have ended up being a glorified cameo, too.

Hey incels, it is YOUR fault that it is involuntary. Quite being assholes or creeps to potential partners and other human beings. Get some fucking self-respect and respect others.

I always cringe when we compare Liz Warren to Hillary Clinton. Liz Warren is SO MUCH MORE PROGRESSIVE than Hillary, which to me is a strength. They are both white women who conservatives hate and both intelligent policy wonks, but the progressive nature of Warren’s platforms and detailed plans is worth noting. They

“Electability” is just a code word for “The next guy in line deserves his shot!”, a.k.a., the party establishment knows best.

Ah, but they have awarded it for past seasons, many times over. This was just the voters being lazy. (And I’m thrilled they overcame that laziness to reward Fleabag.)