Mercedes McQueen's Apple Core

“Apply for another job” doesn’t work when the gig model is killing other jobs in the marketplace. Delivery and Taxi jobs have to compete, while also being heavily regulated, while Uber and Lyft ignored those regulations through loopholes.

sure. provide some links and I’ll take a look.

Temp agencies provide temp workers. That’s not the same. You need to remember there were lot’s of people driving for car services and taxis full time, some even paid millions for a TLC plaque. Uber put them out of business, these people aren’t part time workers, but they’re forced to work in the gig economy.

Not everyone is like your friend Jesse.  Some people work on computers on the side, does that mean the entire field should consists of people working on the side?  Many people drive cars for a living.

Some are, but not all.  Remember Uber disrupted an entire industry.  The industry needed change but this is not the change it needed.  People need to earn a living and an entire companies work force should not consist of supplemental income.

Perhaps some of these people are only doing these types of jobs for supplemental income?

“Living wage,” by definition, refers to what you can earn working full-time. That “Jesse” only drives as a side gig is irrelevant to whether the job should pay enough for a full-time worker to live.

Anyone who thinks this is a “win” doesn’t understand basic economics.

Uber lost over five billion dollars in Q2, so I’m not going to trust anyone siding with them to lecture me on “basic economics”.

Or shouldn’t exist at all.

If an industry can only provide jobs that don’t pay a living wage, that industry needs to be regulated. 

It’s completely disgusting. The only reason it is being played for laughs is because a woman was the perpetrator. If it were a man, you know there would be more of an uproar (rightfully so).

This was circa 2007 or 8, pre #metoo. It honestly took me years to fully process what was wrong with that whole scenario. For a while I thought I was supposed to be flattered. I mean the whole convention I had to deal with hugs and gropes from women and girls. I chalked it to that’s what I should expect because I did

Ya - honestly. I would be so disgusted if I was sitting next to someone doing this in public. Even worse, the people around this person paid good money to see Hiddleston on Broadway, and to have it essentially ruined by this experience is fucked up. What is the difference between masturbating in a theatre during a

I had the uncomfortable experience of having a woman masturbate in front of me before. It was at the height of David Tennant’s tenure as the titular Doctor on Doctor Who. I just happened to bear a more than passing resemblance to the man and I cosplayed at a convention. I got plenty of hugs and pictures taken but when

That Broadway story is so awful, I am surprised it is being played for laughs.  I had the misfortune of seeing a person masturbate in public once and it was aggressive and invasive and not at all funny or cute.

They did that already. Hot in Cleveland:)

20-30 minutes worth of trailers before a movie is ridiculous. But even more ridiculous are all the ads. My kids are amazed when I tell them that at their age we sat in the dark prior to the movies with maybe some music playing softly and that was it. No Maria Menounos, no AR games, no Youtube clips. Just a blanks

My money is on multiverse shenanigans.

GotG3 should have Christopher Cross' "Sailing" because I want it to. Hush, let me have this.