Mercedes McQueen's Apple Core

Maureen Ryan has been pretty clearly saying on twitter that Mooneves has protected other predators, from a producer who has stayed on his show despite multiple investigations into accusations of harassment and assault to David Letterman and others.

I’m imagining it ending with a Usual Suspects-type scene (ugh, got to find a replacement for that meme) where they remember saying verbatim things in the op ed from times they were chatting with NYT people they thought they were charming for better coverage.

And stockpile sugar-free gum, you are going to be chewing it nonstop to counter no-carb death breath.

Well, the NYT would be able to offer an editor to help fix the language.

Honestly, I don’t think the Democratic party will ever give up the idea that they can start winning elections by winning over blue collar white people and taking PoC, queer people and women for granted until we primary out every Democrat who won office before 2006.

Honestly, I made it through a season and a half to watch a Machiavellian, ruthless Demcratic politician who behaved the way Fox News said Obama governed. It was a little cathartic to see but it also got tiring.

I’m only two episodes into Slow Burn season two but it’s so good. I remember a lot of this. I remember a lot of the Clinton scandals were clearly bullshit but it’s so interesting to have the whole story retold with hindsight. So far my only complaint is that I think they give the WSJ editorial board too much of a

It’s really amazing how much people will give up just to keep up the belief that someone we don’t like deserves less. Sure we could all have health care but not if a fat person who doesn’t get their diet okayed by me can also get health care or someone who does a job I look down on can get health insurance.

It was because Moonlight won last year. There was an article where Academy voters admitted they didn’t want to vote for Get Out because a black movie won the previous year. There was a similar sentiment towards Call Me By Your Name.

Yeah, I remember a guest commented to Maddow that 1) it keeps the area busy giving people reason to stay at the hotel and 2) it prevents a competitor from building a hotel across the street.

Remember how the RW media spent the Obama years attacking the President for being a tyrant and acting like a king? That’s the RW projection at work. They saw Obama’s actions that way — no matter how much he gave up in hopes of reaching a compromise — because that’s how they intended on running the executive branch

Sadly he can probably point to the ratings at MSNBC featuring prime time shows he was looking for excuses to cancel (All In was saved by being the network’s only Emmy winner) when he got there and say he’s doing well.

Lets not forget that Access Hollywood is an NBC produced show and the Access Hollywood tape had to be leaked to the Washington Post to become public. There are people there that have been working hard to protect predators including Trump, Weinstein and Lauer.

For me, the problem with CK is that he was once so good at commenting about race, sexism and homophobia. Since then, we’ve learned that was a pose to inure himself from his history of abuse. If what I found most engaging about him was fake, I don’t think there’s a way I could enjoy his work in the future without

And a good twitter thread about making amends:

With many of these guys, careers were derailed. In CK’s case a lot of female comedians went into different careers rather than deal with the harassment. CK’s scandal isn’t just about his sexual misconduct but the intimidation tactics that went into keeping the story quiet. There was a similar aspect to Lauer’s scandal.

One theory — because they’re less likely to buy into the notion that using skin care products and putting care into how you dress doesn’t make them feminine or gay.

Yes, the one in the comments is appreciated even with the Fox headline. (Actually, it’s probably good to know how they’re trying to attack him.)

I mean, I’m just a little frustrated this article comes with only one picture.

Yeah, there’s a focused effort in the RW media to rewrite what the historical record says about Nixon, Regan and McCarthy (every so often a ‘Actually, McCarthy was right about all those communists’ take floats around there). We got to be vigilant about keeping the facts of history alive.