Mercedes McQueen's Apple Core

I had a roommate who worked in sales for stores that usually saw a lot of tourist business. He had it down how you had to treat people from different parts of the country to get a sale. If they’re from California, you have to really like the product you’re selling. If they’re from some parts of the east coast (I

I mean, Waters is known for being picky about technique but as long as she’s not being abusive when she tells her employees they need to chop garlic instead of putting it through a press (that’s the one I remember because Julia Child laughed at her over that), being picky is her business.

I mean, they were giving him jobs that put him in constant close contact with children. If they were overlooking it because his show were hits (and it sounds like that’s the case) that’s incredibly monstrous.

Yep. It’s either ‘they’re being disruptive because they don’t assimilate’ or it’s ‘they’re not being authentic by being assimilated/they’re pretending* to be assimilated to get us to lower our guard’ I’ve seen it thrown at Asian-Americans and queer people, too.

I’d say focus on how to examine an issue based on the facts, how to fact check for themselves (don’t just read the summary of fact check sites, read their arguments and decide if that’s a good reason to call it a lie or truth) and how to look up a candidate’s history to judge them not on their campaign rhetoric but on

I assert that there are people who voted for Trump because Clinton is/was more evil (in their minds, not mine).

If I recall my Rachel Maddow Show episodes correctly, there are a lot of new candidates running and Democratic candidates running in districts that previously ran unopposed. There’s some good reason to be hopeful this year but we still need to be vigilant and make sure we take advantage of the moment.

My intent was that kind of celebrity joke didn’t seem like the style of the show... except it turned out to be true.

This story just reminds me of how the first season of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend has a moment where Valencia talks about how she’s reading Lea Michele’s new book with is about journaling and is mostly blank pages, so it’s mostly a journal. I thought this was a surprisingly mean celebrity joke for the show until I went to

You’re right! I forgot about that.

I knew someone who was in charge of training for a big franchisee, so whenever there was a new product being tested where they were mostly rearranging the ingredients already in the restaurant, she’d end up making me one when I went to visit her at work. The Taco Bell near her was really good at taking special orders,

Kinja never lets me post images so I’ll have to direct you do scroll halfway down this page:

After the first episode, I learned not to watch Ugly Delicious unless I’m going to be near that kind of food the next day. The Asian taco truck will be in my neighborhood tomorrow so we might watch the taco episode tonight. I’m just hoping David Choe doesn’t show up to make those Sizzler salad bar meatball tacos.

I’m old enough to remember when Taco Bell’s menu had long explanations of what things were because it was that new and unheard of for many people.

That’s a lovely idea.

I know!!1!

A Tom and Abby wedding special would be good but number one on my wish list would be a wedding special for AJ and Andre.

I’ve already seen a few people say on twitter they were buying copies to put in the little libraries in their neighborhood. That seems like a good idea if you can afford it.

I saw the headline and thought this was an edgy ‘No, actually, the book about the gay bunny that is trolling the VP and raising money for AIDS treatment and suicide prevention is bad, actually.’ I was relieved to see it didn’t seem to know about the better Bundo book.

I like your analysis. Also, I was surprised to learn I was in the minority when I reacted to Skyler figuring out Walt was dealing drugs at the end of S2 as a “Fuck yeah, Skyler White” moment.