Mercedes McQueen's Apple Core

Yeah, it feels like she’s got a lot of anger looking for a target and getting taken in by the Fox News 20-hour hate is a likely starting point.

She’s also tweeted some transphobic bullshit, which I’ve only seen when trans activists I follow tried to call her out. I get the impression she’s got a whole lot of anger looking for a target, perhaps because she hasn’t had a successful show outside of Roseanne (which probably isn’t just because of her).

1. No, no, no to term limits. We’ve seen that all they accomplish is to create a constant group of new lawmakers and an army of lobbyists looking to mentor them on how things get done (as you would expect, they’re not really being helpful, just taking advantage). Something needs to break the cycle of how people will

Places that have a public funding system usually require candidates to fulfill some kind of viability threshold, like being about to get a certain % of their potential constituents to sign a petition supporting their candidacy. You can always argue that those thresholds will be set so that only those who have a

TBH, I believe it’s projection (or what’s that complex where you can’t imagine someone having a different set of motivations than you?). If they’re lazy and entitled those inferior poors must be even worse, right?

Sheesh, I remember my ninth grade english teacher giving the class a lecture on how this makes you an asshole because she caught one of our classmates throwing the trash from his lunch on the ground and saying he shouldn’t have to get up and go to the trash can when the school pays for janitors.

Sigh. I wish the writing of V were good enough to merit her performance as Anna. I was so hopeful at the end of the last season of Gotham when it looked like Leslie would go off the rails and become proto-Harley, that would been a much better character than what they’ve done with Leslie so far.

So it’s not just me who feels terribly rude when I give someone their 70'th star.

I see the criticsm of Booker’s ties to big pharma as somewhat valid but for me I was done with him when he said he was nauseated by the attacks on Bain Capital and similar financial firms. I understand the need to help the industries that fuel your state’s economy but there’s a difference between trying to help and

I think it’s worth questioning how sincere she would be when getting pressure from both sides but that’s a matter for the actual primary race. This article feels more like a testing of talking points for running against Gillibrand than actual concerns about what her leadership would be like.

I know in the long run it would be a nightmare but just for a moment it would be heaven to have Barbara Lee running, just the thought of her in a primary debate gives me a blissful feeling. I love hearing her speak.

had Franken been some prominent leftist firebrand I don’t doubt I would’ve seen more regressive takes coming from my comrades.

In all honesty, yes it is possible that my life would be worse. I’ve written and deleted versions of this that overshare so I’ll just say that the character of Abed has been very helpful to my mental health, as is hearing a funny Asian-American like Gao discuss representation. I’m sorry, but there’s something about

Somehow I never read it (I might have skipped it as someone who never got around to watching Titanic) but your mention of it got me to look for it and read it. Thanks! That was hilarious, I want to share it with my husband who has seen Titanic.

Meanwhile, Kevin Spacey usually played characters we thought was an extreme version of who Spacey really was... except now all of his characters seem meek and kind in comparison.

Yeah, sticking to a diet is your own struggle but losing weight is a lot easier when you can hire someone to make meals you’ll enjoy eating that meet specific nutritional standards/calorie restrictions.

Harmon is truly one of my problematic faves. On one hand, a guy so toxic Sarah Silverman fired him from her show shouldn’t get another chance. On the other, I love Community, R&M and his podcast with Jessica Gao, Whiting Wongs. Harmon does seem to listen to criticism nowadays and it sounds like a lot of the good stuff

Your description of Harmon really fits Bojack Horseman so well I might not look at that character or Harmon the same.

Yeah, just the fact that we voted him in shows we cannot be trusted with the power we have in the world and that Republicans don’t care about the responsibility that comes with power, just as long as they get power. I wouldn’t be surprised if other world leaders minimize future efforts to negotiate treaties, even if a

He is lovely and I found more respect for him when he hosted Miss Universe. In a lot of cases the “I took the job to spread awareness” is a thin excuse but I remember he did some good journalism about queer people in Russia in the time.