Mercedes McQueen's Apple Core

Thank you. I wish people would remember to dismiss trolls more often.

Because people who are sick probably do something I don’t approve of like smoking, eating fast food or taking a job with unhealthy conditions (BTW, when I smoke, drink or eat something other than steamed vegetables it doesn’t mean I have it coming if I get lung cancer or diabetes, it’s understandable).

I hear you. I don’t like true crime documentary shows because they tend to be lurid and try to turn these tragedies into something titillating and a lot of scripted shows (L&O annoys me for this reason) that takes inspiration from real crimes end up just using the crime as a shortcut.

I think “bought and paid for” is an oversimplification. Money in politics is a huge problem but a bigger problem is the Beltway common wisdom that surround politicians. When it comes to learning from an expert on issues, more progressive voices are pushed to the back of the room as not “serious”. The journalists they

In hindsight, what Clinton really needed was an ad focusing on the workers he screwed over. Give him the Bain Capitol treatment, have white construction workers tell stories about how he gave them half their pay and it would cost more than double to get the other half in court. Undermine his talk about wanting to

Sadly, I just heard an NPR interview where they talk with a state legislator who represents a district where a lot of Iraqi Christians live. He advocates for them to stay in the country since, deportation would amount to a death sentence but still supports Trump and insists Trump will do great on all those other

I was when they were still airing No, You Shut Up but then they cancelled it.

They’re also supposed to be about local government over big government but once cities started implementing LGBT non-discrimination laws, Republican governors felt the need to undo them.

The problem is that Democrats have been conditioned to see those issues as just loony ideas from those annoying hippies (who never vote anyway because they sleep through election day... admittedly a nice self-fulfilling prophecy when you take away their motivation to vote). Culture has moved heavily to the left since

I think it’s really going to come down to how much the media is willing to do their job. When Republicans tried to make shitty, cheap insurance a rallying cry against the ACA, too many outlets were willing to play up the sob stories of people who weren’t allowed to keep their insurance, complete with the sound bites

I’d bet he sees all the protestors speaking about how the ACA helped are paid protestors part of a propaganda campaign funded by George Soros (or whoever the Fox boogeyman is this week).

It took some effort to get my husband into Westworld. He’s fine with violence but he couldn’t bear the point of Westworld, where technology has been used to create a new kind of slave and people are conditioned to overlook their suffering. I had already watched the season and encouraged him to stick with it, once the

Heh, I avoided upgrading my DVR for a whole as I tried to clear through the backlog. Unfortunately, it eventually died on me forcing me to upgrade.

There was a more modern version of that, when DVRs were rising in popularity but only allowed for two recordings at once broadcast networks would extend their most popular shows by one minute... so if you were going to record Lost at 9pm you couldn’t record two 10pm shows on different channels because Lost didn’t end

I theoretically understand why people like Conway give him a pass, they think they can manage him to get their agenda through. I don’t get why “mainstream” journalists just shrug at the way Republicans are aggressively lowering the bar for what’s okay if you’re a Republican.

Oh, yes. Now that they’re getting closer to modern times, I’d love to see Nubia introduced.

Nope, I love Steve Trevor, too. I feel mixed on how he’s been brought back in the New 52 but I really want there to be a male character whose role is *just* to be the side kick/companion/supporting dude in distress.

I understand why some people feel like Pine/Steve coming back creates a message that TPTB don’t think WW can succeed without her male lead, but I think it’s the opposite. I hated the post-Crisis WW, where Steve was left in the past because WW was too serious about her mission for romance. Superman still gets a

I think one thing missing here (maybe its in the book) is that a lot of this is hard to imagine even for people who bake bread. Another modern innovation to baking is being able to isolate reliable yeast strains and dry them to be easily sold. Baking used to require keeping a lump of dough soft and moist and keeping

Wow. I’m impressed. I have never been able to keep up a yeast strain for long. If I don’t bake a loaf every week, it peters out and I end up buying more starter from the bakery down the street... and I can’t keep that up for long.