Mercedes McQueen's Apple Core

This is the one thing that makes me pause about the more inclusive rainbow flag with the brown and black stripes. For the most part, I’m all for it but there’s a part of me that’s a little sad at not pissing off conservatives like Ken Ham.

Oh, definitely. Most liberals saw that but a lot of people desperately seeing a sensible Fox News host really overhyped the times she was talking factually. Shep has had a similar shtick (along with being hip to current pop culture and getting confused looks from the likes of Andrew Napolitano) and if he were to leave

It’s Shep Smith who needs to remember why he has an audience. He’s the Fox host who most often gets credit for occasionally speaking the truth now that Megyn’s gone.

Everything I’ve read about him makes him sound like that teenage boy who thinks being an asshole makes him cool and edgy, someone who thinks GoT wouldn’t make its point without all that rape and Skyler smoking while pregnant makes her a bigger monster than Walt.

The discussion here made me realize I miss shopping with a female friend. I like clothes but I’ve got a body where little looks okay on me so I dress like a schlub (really, it’s my best look, anything else just highlights all the wrong things). OTOH, I’m really good at spotting things that suit a friend well but is

Good news, bad news. Neither of the roles mentions were strippers. Not, at least, in Just Can’t Get Enough, another movie telling the same story. Their characters scheme against each other for control of the franchise and eventually one ends up trying to get the other one killed.

While I had my reservations about Sanders, his positions were much closer to mine and I have a lot more respect for his political career. I thought there were plenty of good reasons to oppose Clinton and yet I saw younger Sanders supporters throwing around old Clinton conspiracy theories like Vince Foster’s death.

Most people don’t even look at that when they hit share, making it a button in the “game” makes looking at the source a key clue.

TBH, I was disappointed none of the sources were something like usatodaydotcom.net or one of those URLs designed to look like a known reliable source. My version did use a “satire” site that sounded like a real newspaper, at least.

The thing that makes me lose faith in Democrats is how the feud between Clinton and Sanders supporters rages on and both sides are so eager to listen to anyone who is saying bad things about the candidate they don’t like. So much for the reality based community.

I think one problem is that Clinton’s reaction after losing to Obama was to take steps to make it less likely there would be another Obama-type of candidate in 2016 by getting money and endorsements tied up, so that anyone who was thinking of running saw there wasn’t a path to the nomination. That led to a primary

Democrats: the party for the 99%.

Hmmm, haven’t tried that one. I’ll have to keep an eye out, love Hibiki and Coffey.

I think one factor that is overlooked is that superhero comics started doing romance better. Superhero stories became more dramatic, including romantic relationships that could get really complicated. Meanwhile, romance comics (at least the ones I’ve been able to get my hands on) mostly stuck with short stories (there

Nah, last season wrapped in April. The next season is still TBA (though it was renewed) but there’s usually a few episodes when all the other channels slow down in late summer or during the Christmas slowdown.

That’s the one!

Sigh, I really empathize with that. I know I have an unhealthy relationship with food because whenever I see a pop culture depiction of a skinny person with ED, I feel envious of their will power and like a failure. When I met my then-future husband, I was doing the Zone obsessively, eating several snacks a day each

Where I grew up Keo is the name of a famous Thai chef, so when I heard you say “Keo Diet” my first thought was that you spend every night having dinner at Keo’s Thai Cuisine. I kinda wish that restaurant were still around so I could follow-up on that joke.

In the US there was a show, “Honey We’re Killing the Kids” (or something stupid like that) which was really terrible in how much it clearly worked to manufacture non-drama into a big deal, including the happy ending. It was about getting parets to give their kids a more nutritious diet and the show’s signature was a

Oddly, it got nominated for Best Television Movie. That makes sense in one way but I didn’t realize single episodes of anthology shows could submit for the movie category. Charlie Brooker also got a writing nod, tho in a series category.