Then again, if you want an example of people not getting the point of a Shakespeare work, R&J is good, too. I’m always shocked when it’s called romantic with a straight face.
Then again, if you want an example of people not getting the point of a Shakespeare work, R&J is good, too. I’m always shocked when it’s called romantic with a straight face.
Humor is really hard when you’re bad at context. (See anyone who brought up “Springtime for Hitler” as a defense for PewDePie.)
They believed Trump when he promised to deliver the bestest stuff ever because no more poltical correctness and went “TL;DR, when’s the fun part where we chant ‘Lock her up’?” to any serious consideration on how to fix an issue. (And, as John Oliver just reminded us, they believe that coal mining company CEOs hate…
Fox became the #1 cable news network beause it’s audience stay put and watched for as long as they had time to sit in front of the TV. When they initially beat CNN, CNN had more viewers but those viewers usually only watched for an hour and changed the channel/turned the TV off. Fox had higher ratings because a…
It wasn’t just about exposing these people as charlatans. When Stewart took these kinds of people down he did his homework, knew what kind of talking points they would bring and the facts that disputed them. Meanwhle Noah had that interview with that lady who was fired from The Blaze where he insisted she talk through…
Well, the NY Times seems to be on a kick where it really likes to lecture its readers on how it’s supposed to listen to bigots and people who deny reality, so praising an interview with Jones totally fits where it is.
I wish I were that optimistic. It really sounds like the current head of NBC News hates how well Hayes/Maddow/O’Donnell are doing and is looking for an excuse to go back to the days when it was hiring Fox rejects like Tucker Carlson and Rita Cosby as part of the “Foxification” of cable news. The plan was for more…
The tweets are problematic for certain, but for me a bigger issue is that his views are leading to his game having an eyeroll inducing premise and, probably, a story silly enough to overwhelm any good gameplay.
If they can figure out a way to deliver the big mods that usually end up creating a headache (or force you to start a new character to work) in a way that’s gone through a solid QA process, that might be paying for... but that trailer mostly showed stuff that I’d just delete if I thought it were causing trouble.
I saw a PBS documentary on meth once (just as Breaking Bad was starting to air) and they discussed quaaludes. As I recall, the recreational stuff was usually synthesized by the people who would end up selling them and US drug enforcement managed to eliminate it by making the needed chemicals very restricted. (The guy…
So my husband says I changed him and he was a reactionary conservative when I met him. While some of it was the influence of me listening to Rachel Maddow with him around (back in her radio days) some of it was trying to look for calm moments to work through an issue, like pointing out that his “I don’t plan on having…
As an Asian-American, I can say you don’t have to go far to find people who will say racist shit about other Asian-Americans, insisting they’re just being “real,”that it’s okay because they tend to privilege people of Asian descent and they know not to say that around white people. Really, they’re just reaffirming…
“reigning in Washington spending” is a way of saying you want government money to stop going to dirty poors, women-who-have-sex-without-hating-themselves, queers and Poc and you want it to go to well-connected elite white people instead (as long as it’s not someone who knows the Clintons).
But why would I have fake pork when I can have real pork now? ;)
That’s the benefit/downside of a cinematic universe. A lot of people probably saw GotG or Ant Man just because they enjoyed the Captain America movies but I’m sure some WW fans decided to wait for some more word-of-mouth reviews after being burned by MoS, BvS or Suicide Squad.
That was my first reaction - that art is from the 1970s.
And JFK was in his early 40s when he was elected. Whoever did that MSNBC piece was bad at history or cherrypicking badly.
Funny, that didn’t look like Bill Clinton to me.
Sigh. I feel like the Democratic leadership really doesn’t believe in liberal ideals so they just hope their opponent will fuck up enough that they can run on being not-horrible instead of having to discuss issues.
That comment he made about being sickened when people go after vulture capitalists in 2012 is seriously going to haunt him. It’s one thing to defend the banking industry while admitting it’s had some excesses but Booker was defending a company that destroyed people’s livlihoods just because it made more money quickly…