Mercedes McQueen's Apple Core

That reminds me of the argument that points out how anti-abortion advocates are very concerned about the possibility of the next Einstein being aborted but are unconcerned with the possibility that the next Einstein might never be educated enough to master physics because his school district was underfunded, he was

Has anyone seen Talk Show the Game Show? Apparently she’s one of the producers and she appeared in the first episode. The idea is that three celebs talk  to Guy Branum and get points for working in various talk show tropes (mention other celebrities, bring the guest a gift, plug your new project, etc). She, as you’d

I had to pause that sketch to look for old episodes of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? on YouTube. Why isn’t someone rebooting classic kids game shows for adults to play (or maybe families ala Family Double Dare?) WitWiCS was really challenging, too.

Taking action against sanctuary city policies are the thing that sound like a “tough on crime” policy and the media totally falls for it. However, it’s the opposite — and that’s why police chiefs tend to support sanctuary city policies.

“Small government” is one of those terms (along with “big government”) meant to make it sound like there’s a principle driving Republican policies but they’re quick to ignore that principle when it gets in the way of what they want. Government should be small and unobtrusive when it comes to regulating businesses, for

Hmmm, I’ve been wanting to watch this but with a full queue and a fear that I wouldn’t be able to let anyone step into Parris/Williams/Tessa Thompson’s footsteps, I’ve put it off. It’s good to hear from people who are enjoying the TV series’ cast.

I don’t know Stephen Colbert on a personal level, but I am 100% sure he’s not homophobic.

He definitely had baggage but none of it was the baggage you have as someone who has worked in politics as a national figure for decades. That turned out to be a very different thing since the media wasn’t used to covering him with the kind of scrutiny they covered even Ted Cruz. They still cover him like he’s some

I got a terrible feeling when the primaries got really heated, when the divide between Clinton supporters and Sanders supporters became a vicious fued. I saw younger Sanders supporters digging up stupid WSJ bullshit from the 90s, takling about Vincent Foster like it was a new discovery that was never discredited.

We also stole the rainbow and they’re still really mad about that. There’s some homophobe JoeMyGod follows who keeps trying to make “The rainbow belongs to God” a thing.

I totally believe he’s gay, I’ve encountered enough idiot gay white men (and sadly some gay MoC) who are totally eager to shit on other groups in the hopes of being assimilated into the privileged class.

I’ve had both this, Trader Joe’s cold brewed coffee concentrate as well as their instant. I liked this the best. They all have that “old coffee” taste but I thought this one had the least.

My understanding from comments her videos inspire is that if any developers watch her videos and are inspired to create better female characters, that’s the terrifying specter of self-censorship at work.

I miss that show. It was one of the few business makeover shows that really seemed to help businesses that were really looking for a way out of their troubles. Yes, there were trainwreck businesses too but Tabitha was really good at fixing the ones that had gotten into a bad rut.

Maybe its a “rape fantasy” for privileged men who read it? One major danger about portraying any kind of institutionalized system of repression is that some people see nothing to learn because we’re nothing like that today, it’s just misery porn. (And maybe his wife read THT in a class where the teacher apporached it

I love Harlots. I feel like it does a good job of finding that line of depicting a time that was much more misogynistic but not indulging in the misogyny or having that self-congratulatory “Look how much better we are now” tone. It helps that the show doesn’t treat the premise as an excuse to show a parade of womens’

IDK, I’m wondering if it’s going to be ‘Telling men it’s rape if there’s no consent hurts their feefees and that’s how you get to Gilead.’ or ‘It’s just natural for white people to burn all books once they’ve been lectured about privilege.’

I’d add that anyone who has truly lived there knows about entitled haole tourists being surprised that it’s a “real” state that uses “real” money and  has modern basics like electricity.

I’m sure he finds it hilarious when people use a southern accent to indicate that someone is dumb. It’s just a joke.

Paul Ryan strikes me as the kind of person who wouldn’t correct you if he was trying to get something from you, even if you were referring to him with the name of his ex-wife’s new husband.