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I now expect anyone named Ronald McDonald to be a Japanese voice actor.

He’s also a coward, Rachel Maddow did a bit noting how he planned on giving speeches with pretty provocative language, but when he gave the speech the blatantly racist language disappeared.

Perhaps someone should have followed up with a question asking him specificlly what story he thinks is lacking in media?

I think the greater problem is that things don’t change overnight and there’s a propaganda infrastructure that knows you can go far on generic complaints. The ACA was hated based on the conservative media hyping every little nitpick, but the possibility of losing it has made people reevaluate those little complaints

Seeing that made it look it up on Netflix. Sadly, it’s a documentary about a family of little people who were in Auschwitz. and became the focus of Dr Mengele’s curiosity. 

Thanks, I thought that was the case. I’ve been waiting for someone to get Bob’s Burgers season 7. I think that’s when I stopped watching it on Hulu, deciding it would easier to follow it on Netflix but that season never arrived on Netflix.

The CW just announced their season finales. Netflix gets them, IIRC, two weeks later.

That happens with a lot of movies when there is a sequel imminent, one of the cablenets will snatch up exclusive rights for it for 3 months or so and it disappears from any of the subscription services, then reappears later.

IDK, Fox seems to be pulling it’s shows from Netflix (we just had that loss of most of Bob’s Burgers, Whedon’s shows and season one of Better Off Ted, now it’s American Dad). Meanwhile, CC is trying to get people to stream their shows on their app. They pulled The Daily Show and @Midnight from Hulu, along with getting

That’s disappointing to hear. That was my worry when I saw the trailer but I told myself I should watch the show to understand if it overcame the premise.

Considering who his viewership is, I doubt his conduct would have lost him one viewer. The advertisers would have eventually crawled back after looking at the continually monstrous ratings.

By the way, I thought arcades had died out in the West?

I think debates over the death penalty really reveal how some people — especially politicians — look at crime and punishment. In the US, we really lean towards punishment over rehabilitation, there’s also a strong undercurrent of... well, “TL;DR” mentality.

Ah, that’s why her name rings a bell, one with a really unpleasant tone.

Yeah, that cosplay ad is interesting. I think to indoctrinated conservatives, that shows him as one of those “special Millenial snowflake” that inspires all those “the kids these days” ranting. I don’t think they get that it gives him a personality; one of the bigger general weaknesses of Democrats is when they come

They did replace Megyn Kelly with Tucker Carlson, tho I suspect he’s just keeping the seat warm while they find someone they actually want (if I were him I’d have my agent making sure my contract doesn’t expire around the same time as Sippy Cupp’s CNN contract).

Zero mention of voting for a Republican, zero mention of policy, and even very little mention of Ossoff. It’s all about Nancy Pelosi. Apparently the Democratic minority leader from halfway across the country is the best argument they can come up with.

What’s worse is we have prison wardens deciding that doing away or publically half-assing the last meal requests is a great way to get publicity for how they’re “tough”.

It was pretty awesome to see Sister Helen Prejean troll the pious Easter tweets of pro-death penalty AK pols this Sunday.

Personally, I read the headline and wondered how heavily Satoshi Kon would fit in. Millenium Actress is one of my all time favorites.