They changed the gay dude into a lesbian who has sex with a straight guy. That sums up the problem, take something somewhat edgy and make it utterly convention-affirming.
They changed the gay dude into a lesbian who has sex with a straight guy. That sums up the problem, take something somewhat edgy and make it utterly convention-affirming.
Hmmm, you’re on the verge of convincing me to watch this show even if I still find the movie traumatic.
My terrible google-fu is failing me (sadly the one link I found is dead and that was someone typing out the original article which was pre-web) but there’s a woman who insists Card didn’t write Ender’s Game or Speaker for the Dead (but probably wrote the other sequels). It started when she did an essay about how Ender…
Good luck with that. Seriously. I couldn’t believe Fienstein survived after whe she patronized any liberal who protested the Iraq war, but that was before California changed its primary system and made it easier to challenge her from the left.
My husband had a co-worker who was really right wing and into homeophathic medicine. Far as I could tell, some of the appeal was a flavor of telling people the right way to live to avoid bad things from happening to you (she was also anti-choice) along with the “people just want a pill to solve their problem”…
Aw, sad to see a tread mentioning all the great local department stores Macy’s swallowed up and no one remembers Hawaii’s Liberty House.
Hmm, actually considering how funny Jones gets when she goes big, I could see her as Giuliani on one of his yelly rants.
Bester is amazing. I remember reading The Demolished Man and having to remind myself it was written in the 50s and not the 90s. I guess it comes down more to being influential, but it felt like Beter predicted how writers would write sci-fi.
Thank you for bringing up Butler! I love her work and am always thrilled to see her mentioned.
All your brunch talk is making me sad. I live in a state with those stupid Blue Laws that bans alcohol sales before noon on Sunday and my husband doesn’t see the point of having brunch without cocktails, so the only time I go out for a nice breakfast are on my bachelor weeks when he’s out-of-town on business.
So if you purchased a used game that was scratched to the point where it didn’t work you’d count that as a good sale and happily move on? I want to sell things to you.
Was I the only one who first saw the Carol Burnett news on Twitter, saw her name and panicked so bad that it too a minute before they were able to read that Burnett was okay and had an exciting new project?
There is absolutely no difference between a new game and a game that 20 people have owned over the course of 10 years.
most goods degrade over time - games do not. You can use games exponentially more and sell and resell them a thousand times over with no degradation of quality.
Tho this was the music industry’s stance for a long time. At one point, they tried to make CDs that wouldn’t play in a CD-Rom drive.
Yes a number of sales could be had if they blocked pre-owned but also they would lose a lot from people buying old games in a series that would then go out and buy newer titles, or stock up on dlc’s after completing the game.
Thanks. I was blanking on the names of other Asian Hawaii GOP members, (the only ones I could think of were the city council trio who switched parties with Fasi) Saiki came to mind mostly because a few months ago my husband came home to the sight of me bawling my eyes out watching a documentary about Patsy Mink and he…
My husband’s family was apparently very Republican despite being mostly Asian, the Republicans played well to their desire to find people to look down upon. Don’t forget the Hawaii GOP is also the party of Pat Saiki. (Ugh.)
I remember the “Best Party” Fasi, the thing he was really good at, IMO, was saying those unconventional things that makes you go, “Why that just makes sense!” until you lean more about the issue... so kinda Trump-ish if Trump had some management competency.
Really? Maybe her positions weren’t like the national party but from her “Any media outlet that mentions my maiden name is biased against me!” and the temper tantrum she pulled with Maui utility contracts (garbage, as I recall?) and that superferry fiasco, she frequently reminded me of mainland Republicans. I’m more…