Taddy Mason

You have to read the entire post. We cannot sit idly by waiting for evidence. We must continue to pressure Congress and not sink into apathy.


It’s over.

And by NYCAviation:

Sorry. I posted that before realizing this was a pet thread. Maybe this is better?

How about with Gary Jules’ “Mad World”?

Also, LOL at the Rangers/Astros “rivalry.”

“We had some diamonds, but we had a lotta cow poo poo around it, and the diamonds was mixed in with the poo poo...it just all look like poo poo.”

Steven Universe is a good Steve.

I think it sounds tasty. This sandwich is on raisin bread instead of a bagel, but either way, I think the cinnamon raisin would add a touch of sweetness that would be astonishingly delicious. Would devour 💯👍🏽


I think they will end up together. Tyrion has been the only man in her life outside her own family that has treated her with dignity and respect. Her reunion with Tyrion will be one of the final acts that completes her character transformation from naive and cowardly to mature and fearless.

I think she knew how both Jon and Ramsay would use their forces. “You think he’s going to fall into your trap, he won’t. He’s the one who lays traps.” She wanted Ramsay to not have a shred of doubt that he had the troop advantage in order to cause him to overplay his hand. She wanted to lay the trap, which meant that

The world needs more Hot Pie.

At this point, she’s using Littlefinger more than he’s using her. She’s become very adept at knowing the behavior and tactics of other men, and she’s no longer the naive little girl who left Winterfell dreaming of becoming queen. In “Battle of the Bastards”, Jon says he’ll protect her, and she replied, “No one can

That is a good Trump nickname though: “Littlefingers”.

A person that wants to see the world burn. Do you think Little Finger can handle the Night King?