Tad Cooper

I started reading already prepared to respond with snark.

Isn’t this The Hunger?

I think I’m done with apocalypse narratives. We’re all living in an apocalypse narrative. I don’t need to engage with fictional ones in my spare time for fun.

Not a great ep but FAR better than last week. Why am I always a contrarian to the opinions here

Everybody knows Raisinets are The Devil’s snack candy!

If Einstein isn’t played by Walter Matthau, I’m out (gauntlet thrown remaining AV Club movie fans).

“Never enough has helped us as a species.”

Wanna hear a joke?

Not sure what your twisted hateful brain considers woke but there is a Spider-man movie out there right now making tons of money which features a bunch of Spider-people and literally only one with a speaking part is a cis-white male Peter Parker and he is basically a cameo.

Every time a bad or meh superhero movie comes out someone yells “Superhero fatigue” and just forget that the good or at least watchable ones still make bank. GOTG 3 and Spider-verse both did great. But they were also good.

I went to the Flash on Thursday night, got there early, thinking there’d be a bit of a line on opening night, at least for concessions. neeeope. Theater almost empty when I sat down 20 minutes before, and barely got to half full. I think it’s actually a pretty good movie, surprisingly funny, solid action, does a

They’ll probably kill this show too. It'll be back a couple days later.

How dare you make me pay for your for-pay service?!

Bill Hader didn’t kick any puppies.
Bill Hader spends alternate Saturday afternoons reading to the deaf.
Bill Hader would never try to crash your wedding.
Bill Hader is not a raping monster.
Bill Hader is an ally of the LGBTQ community.
Bill Hader would totally let you have the last slice of pizza.
Bill Hader does not lose

Do you think that when the company was firing people, they called them “Frito Lay-offs” to make it more fun?

We are getting season 3, announced yesterday. Yay!

WE’RE GETTING SEASON 3!!!!! I’m so happy!

There have been female Kangs in the comics including Nebula and Mantis somehow.