Tad Cooper

Just as long as Scott cuts to a clip of “Mac and Me” during one of the podcast episodes, of course. :)

Excellent review! Thank you for your perspective on it... very insightful!

(I enjoyed the show immensely!)

Rifftrax fans automatically let out a big groan when they saw that.

**Sylvester Stone in “Demolition Man” when he’s told his burger is, in fact, made of rat**


“Hey hey hey... BIM’s on his way!”

Figured this would be awful... luckily, the new Looney Tunes cartoons on HBO Max aren’t half bad in terms of us long-term fans who look for better things from these great characters. (Elmer not being able to use a rifle in the new shorts notwithstanding.)

As a Michigander, I’m amused that the UP would be “Whitelands” and the LP would be “Tribal Nations of the West.” As if the Native Americans in this scenario just sort of shrugged their shoulders and said, “Ehhh... let them have it.”

“Who are the marketing geniuses who came up with that?!?”

Cast member wearing Mickey suit as the woman is dragged away: “Don’t worry, folks... she’ll get the help she needs! Ha ha!”

“Put... the pig... back in the box.”

Zack Snyder’s “Army of the Shortbread”

Porky is just the perfect straight man in these Chuck Jones’ Porky and Daffy joints as well.

Bummer on “Birdgirl” and not staying connected to the HB properties. Did they think that kids today would have no fond memories of it at this point, I guess?

Very good review! Karli Morganthau was a pretty good twist... wasn’t expecting that and definitely curious to see where they go with it.

Without getting too spoiler-y, John Walker’s identity being public in the comics led to some pretty tragic consequences. Will be interesting to see if FATWS goes in that direction...

“Daah... I heard that!”

In the comics, Agents of Atlas was lead by Jimmy Woo. Would not hate it at all if he’s tapped in the MCU to create a similar team... with Darcy and Monica along for the ride.

Same thing with the 1992 film “Brain Donors,” where they tried to redo the Marx Brothers, and despite the brilliance of John Turturro, it just didn’t take.

Not a bad list, though I would argue the Harry Belafonte episode needs to be on it. Don’t know which one I would replace it with, however.

That universe’s Blob literally cannibalizing the Wasp of that universe was pretty much it for me.