
This is way up there with the best I’ve seen featured here.

Except that his lie was not a prank, he didn’t lie for fun, he lied out of necessity and I suspect the judge will have compassion for this poor guy.

Low wage jobs in japan are also unstable and he would have lost it all the same during the pandemic. Also I suspect you haven’t done your research on how much you actually make from a low wage job there.

That too. whining for that is just as silly. Thanks.

What do you know about this poor guy to make this assessment? The guy had a job, just a job that got wrecked by the virus, like millions of other jobs you would have deemed more stable before this whole mess.

It doesn’t help that cyber cafes are currently closed so there’s a big homeless problem right now in japan because of the virus outbreak. That’s worth an article of its own.

You have bee chosen, I will answer you instead of dozens of commenters who tried to make the same point as you but in a less mature way. (They are dismissed)

That’s probably it. I blame more the media writers who write these clickbait articles over nothing.

The small version is trash. A $50 Huion 1060plus is bigger and more reliable.

The small version is trash. A $50 Huion 1060plus is bigger and more reliable.

So let me get this straight, you guys are mad at the person in charge of a twitter account for posting screenshots of the game’s DLC they’re hired to promote?

Wow, this looks fucking terrible.

Or just one who still has a functioning brain.

I’ve been cutting my own hair for years now for convenience (not cost) so I was fully prepared. It took a while to master cutting the back of my head because everything is reversed in a mirror but I got it down now. No youtube tutorials required.

So this is how elevators work now...

Do you mean the central fucks bank owes you fucks?

Would have gone worse if the trooper was FN 2187.

No more blamkets, it’s getting really hot now!

Very nice article. Learned a lot here.

McD’s and every other restaurant have been shut down for almost two months now where I live. Even for delivery. It fucking sucks.

Same for me and I’m a twitch streamer. It just shows that there are multiple classes of people online and people who use these stupid terms thinking they are cool are the dumbest. Aka the tiktok kids.