
No I don’t because it’s the same style and I never assumed it was an american company. My main point stands, I don’t like the art direction.

Hmm, I’m not sure about this game. I’m a huge SOR fan since day 1 on the Megadrive but I’m not a fan of the american indie game character designs.

Then you’re missing all the fun. In japan they had a lot of collateral media that explained a lot of what’s going on. Elsewhere you get that information on the internet.

The movies in comparison are dumbed down for lesser audiences missing the whole point of the anime.

Now those shorts are actually short.

She’s only the most famous Japanese singer.

The OG anime has a somewhat coherent and interesting story if you watch an explanation video afterwards. The action and art are excellent.
The first movie is kind of a remake of the anime with new 3D graphics for the monsters. I prefer the weird hand drawn ones from the anime and the movie doesn’t cover a lot of story.

I wish I could say I was disappointed, but the eva movies have been a nonsensical mess that’s only getting worse.

Unfortunately a chinese company and some no name british business that will just popup under a different name.

That was my room circa 1995 except I never had a shitty Atari.

iO9 is shit and has been for years now since the OG staff and founders left the boat.

Wait, so no more possible delays to Cyberpunk????

As someone who doesn’t give a F about deadspin or sports news in general, I am sad to see that that puerile fiasco is screwing up other things that I actually care about.

Well now that I look at the normal version, it looks a lot better than the clown looking gundam model.

This is laughable on so many levels, most of all the stadia thing.

I don’t adhere to Buddhist philosophy or practices but sometimes when I have no other choice than to endure a situation for hours or days, I switch to an alternate state where I check out of reality and just wait it out.

My trip to japan was a 20 hour flight. I suffer an unimaginable amount of pain on planes because of

Now that’s rude.

Gizmodo writers are a joke and have been for a few years now.

Players who install Valorant, the new first-person shooter from Riot, also add to their computer an anti-cheat system that activates whenever they boot up their computer.

Can you also ban the guy who said Yikes?

You’re being very diplomatic there.