
Yeah you’re fine. For an idiot. This looks awesome.

Yes let’s pollute with more one-use plastics and aluminium cans just because you can’t fucking wash your pet the normal way.

Yes let’s pollute with more one-use plastics and aluminium cans just because you can’t fucking wash your pet the

That’s sadly what you can expect from shitty gizmodo for the last couple years now.
Thanks for clarifying for people who didn’t watch the video.

You didn’t clarify shit.
Anyone reading your article would think it’s a good deal.

Perfect exemple of a Japanese song where the singer starts singing and doesn’t shut up for the rest of it.

So basically this is a game based on the worse part of Fable 3. You rule but no matter what you do people will hate your guts and you will lose the war.

Sadly, old senile Biden is gonna get the noms and go ahead to lose badly to trump.

They’re not forced to work you idiot.

Go get fucked with your stupid screenshot responses you idiot.

I get half skimmed milk just because I don’t like the build up of webs of cream when i boil it. So it’s not about the fat content, I have no issue with fat, it’s the texture.

Even more turtle-like.

I always wondered about that. Skimmed milk is obviously water with white paint but how does it still manage to (barely) work when cooked in recipes requiring milk?

I wonder how many of the actions depicted in that trailer can actually be done in the game. I’m guessing less than half?

Actors, athletes, singers and street mimes all have their candidate and talk about it freely even campaigning for them

Typical Americans can rest a full size TV on their belly fat.

Do I have to comb through the article to find out the battery life??

It’s already available on VOD in south korea. Just saying.

Wait, is that Ben Affleck’s ex wife?

In this case it’s just a blurred photo that was composed over the painting. nothing special.

Yeah, they wasted 30 seconds on footage when the whole point of the video is the guy telling us the story.