
Very nice explanation about the shinto object spirit thing but what about sexualisation of little girls?

Did you say cat and lootbox? You’re on to something.

I just don’t get it.

You actually don’t need to know anything about game development to make those mobile games. You can basically purchase a template, stick your graphics and texts on it and release a “new” game.

Except that tencent also has a sizable share of the international movie business.

No headrest? still a peasant’s car.

You know, one day Tecent is gonna knock on my email door asking to purchase my company.

Even more worrying is the amount of video game news showing up on shitty gizmodo instead of kotaku.

Is unicorn in the main timeline?

And unicorn is? give me a break.

Why can’t gundam 00 get some deserved recognition?

Exactly. Anyone thinking all governments don’t do facial recognition already is a gullible idiot. It’s so cheap and easy even the poorest shithole has it.

Something’s wrong with his neck.

That’s a really nice shot.

SSD prices are taking way too long to go down.

SSD prices are taking way too long to go down.

I’ll delete it later, don’t worry.

He kinda looks like Donald Trump in that one.

Damn, so sorry, I didn’t know your entire life depended on that stupid comment.

I wouldn’t worry, that comment is safe. Unlike yours which I didn’t like.